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Arif Tuska, Habib Syaiful and Prawesthirini, Soetji and Mulyati, Sri (2014) Viabillty of spermatozoa Merino Sheep With Addition of Various NaCI Concentration. Ovozoa E-Journal, 3 (2). pp. 231-234. ISSN 2302-6464
Budi Utomo, NIDN. 0018055904 (2014) Pengaruh Penambahan Enzim a Serine Protease (Akrosin) Terhadap Perolehan Embrio Domba Ekor Gemuk (EG) pada Fertilisasi In-Vitro(Poster Seminar + Sertifikat). In: Seminar Presentasi Poster Hasil Penelitian pada kegiatan Research Expo as Inspiring Airlangga 2014, 19 Desember 2014, Surabaya.
Erma Safitri, - and Suzanita Utama, - and Candra Bumi, - and Sri Wigati Mardi Mulyani, - and Endang Retnowati, - and Purwati, - and R. Heru Prasetyo, - and Mas'ud Hariadi, - and Aulani’am, - and Ferdiansyah Mahyudin, - and Fedik Abdul Rantam, - (2014) Hypoxic Preconditioning For Viable and Self Renewing Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Mscs) As The Regeneration of Spermatogenesis Process. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8 (8). pp. 42-46. ISSN 1816-157X e-ISSN 1819-544X
Erma Safitri, - and Suzanita Utama, - and Thomas Valentinus Widiyatno, - (2014) Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MMSCs) Transplantation for the Improvement of Reproductive Function in Rat Testis Degeneration. Proceeding of The 3nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2014 Islamic University of North Sumatra. pp. 49-54. ISSN 978-602-18851-9-2
Gian Robby Ferary Anwar, 061011083 and Budi Utomo, NIDN. 0018055904 and Sri Hidanah, NIDN. 0008036105 (2014) Pengaruh Infusa Kulit Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) Terhadap Reaksi Akrosom Spermatozoa Tikus Putih (Rattusnorvegicus). Ovozoa, 3 (2). pp. 270-273. ISSN 2302-6464
Hidayatulloh, Akhmad and Lestari, Tita Damayanti and Setiawan, Rangga (2014) Pengaruh Umur dan BCS terhadap Bobot Ovarium dan Jumlah serta Kualitas Sel Telur Sapi Betina Lokal. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peternakan Berkelanjutan 6. ISSN 978-602-95808-9-1
Mas’ud Hariadi and Budi Utomo (2014) Peningkatan Reproduktivitas Jalak Bali (lecosper rotchildi) Melalui Metode DNA Sexing dan Perbaikan Mutu Pakan. Technical Report. Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Mulyati, Sri and Utama, Suzannita and Mahaputra, Laba (2014) Penentuan Konsentrasi Faktor Pertumbuhan Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) Hasil Biakan Monolayer Sel Hepar dan Sel Kumulus. Media Kedokteran Hewan, 30 (1). pp. 51-56. ISSN 2015-8930
Nourma Firdiana and Budi Utomo and A.T. Soelih Estoepangestie, NIDN0015095601 (2014) Pengaruh "Sarang Semut" (Myrmecodia pendans) Terhadap Jumlah Sel Spermatogenik Dalam tabulus Seminiferus Mencit Dengan Latihan Fisik yang Berlebihan. Ovozoa, 3 (1). pp. 181-185. ISSN 2302-6464
Reni Nanda Rizkika and Romziah Sidik and Rimayanti (2014) Effect Of Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) And Papaya Leaf (Carica papaya) As Feed Additives On Total Fat Quail Egg Layer (Cortunix-cotunix japonica). Agro Veteriner, 2 (2). pp. 89-96. ISSN 2303-1697
Rhoyan, Yahya Hudy and Lestari, Tita Damayanti and Setiawan, Rangga (2014) Kualitas Semen Cair Dingin Domba Garut Pada Tiga jenis larutan Pengencer. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak, 14 (1). pp. 63-67. ISSN 1410-5659
Samik, Abdul and Oktanella, Yudit and Hernawati, Tatik and Widjaja, Ngakan Made Rai and Dewanti, Intan Purwa (2014) Penambahan Osteopontin dalam Pengencer Semen Beku Sapi Perah Friesian Holstein Meningkatkan Ekspresi B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma-2 Spermatozoa Postthawing. Jurnal Veteriner, 15 (4). pp. 461-466. ISSN 1411 - 8327
Sigit Wibowo and Chairul Anwar Nidom and Rimayanti (2014) The Study of Cross Reactivity Between H5 Clade 2.3.2 Serum and H5 Clade 2.1.3 Virus by Using Serum Neutralization Test. Journal of Basic Medicine Veterinary, 3 (2). pp. 63-67. ISSN 2302-6820
Soeparna and Setiawan, Rangga and Darodjah, Siti and Lestari, Tita Damayanti (2014) Effect of Progesterone Dose and Intravaginal Sponge Diameter on Reproductive Performance of Induced-Estrous Local Ewes in West Java. Indian Journal of Research, 3 (11). pp. 29-31. ISSN 2250-1991
Sri Pantja Madyawati and Widjiati and Rimayanti (2014) Effectiveness of Rat Bone Marrow Stem Cell Therapy to Rattus novergicus by Teratogenic Model of Particulate Matter on Expression of Kappa Beta (NFKẞ) Nuclear Factor on Placenta. In: Proceeding The 3 Joint International Meetings 2014. Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, pp. 102-103. ISBN 978-602-95733-3-6
Tita Damayanti Lestari and Ismudiono (2014) Ilmu Reproduksi Ternak. Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978 - 602 - 7924 -4 1- 3
Ulfana, Izzatul and Darsono, Roesno and Mulyati, Sri (2014) Boraks Mengakibatkan Penurunan Jumlah Sel Spermatogonium dan Sel Sertoli pada Gambaran Histopatologi Testis Tikus Putih. Media Kedokteran Hewan, 30 (3). pp. 156-160. ISSN 2015 – 8930
Wurlina and Mulyati, Sri and Meles, D.K and Anom Adnyana, Dewa Putu (2014) Penyerentakan Birahi Menggunakan PGF2α dan Superovulasi Menggunakan PMSG dan HCG Serta IB Terhadap Kejadian Birahi, Jumlah Induk Bunting, Jumlah dan Jenis Kelamin Anak Kambing Peranakan Etawa. Ovozoa E-Journal, 3 (1). pp. 186-191. ISSN 2302-6464