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Hidanah, Sri and Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti and Wahjuni, Retno Sri and Chusniati, Sri (2018) Effects of Meniran (Phyllanthus niruni L.) administration on leukocyte profile of Broiler chickens infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Veterinary World, 11 (6). pp. 834-839. ISSN 0972-8988, eISSN : 2231-0916
Hidanah, Sri and Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti and Wahyuni, Retno Sri and Arini Rahmi Dewi and Safitri, Erma (2018) Effectiveness of Meniran (Phyllanthusniruni Linn) as antibacterial for Antibiotics Resistance Enterotoxigenix Escherichia coli. Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, 7 (2). pp. 33-39. ISSN e-ISSN: 2356-0991, p-ISSN : 2085-1103
Hidanah, Sri and Nazar, Dady Soegianto and Safitri, Erma (2018) The improvement of eggs quality of Mojosari duck (Anas javanica) with soybean husk fermentation using cellulolytic bacteria of Spodopteralitura. Veterinary World, 11 (5). pp. 720-725. ISSN 0972-8988, eISSN : 2231-0916
Lokapirnasari, Widya Paramita and Hidanah, Sri and Suharsono and Fathinah, Anisah and Arrifah Ratna Dewi and Andriani, Anita Dwi and Karimah, Balqis and Nurhajati, Tri and Soepranianondo, Koesnoto and Lamid, Mirni (2018) Potency of Probiotics on HDL, LDL, Cholesterol and Total Protein of Egg’sQuail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Journal of Applied Environmentaland Biological Sciences. J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci, 8 (1). pp. 65-69. ISSN 2090-4274
Lokapirnasari, Widya Paramita and Arrifah Ratna Dewi and Fathinah, Anisah and Hidanah, Sri and Harijani, Nenny and Soeharsono and Karimah, Balqis and Andriani, Anita (2017) Effect of probiotic supplementation on organic feed to alternative antibiotic growth promoter on production performance and economics analysis of quail. Veterinary World, 10 (12). pp. 1508-1514. ISSN 0972-8988, eISSN : 2231-0916
Setyorini, Elok and Soepranianondo, Koesnoto and Hidanah, Sri (2017) Efficiency Production Cost of Goat Farming in the Lowland and the Highland Areas in Mojo Sub-district of Kediri Regency. International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR), 3 (12). pp. 27-31. ISSN 2454-1850
Wahjuni, Retno Sri and Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti and Hidanah, Sri (2017) Immunomodulation Effect of Meniran (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn) on blood profile of Broiler Chickens with enterotoxin of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli. Proceeding The 1st International Conference Postgraduate School. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), 98. pp. 311-313. ISSN 2352-5398
Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti and Hidanah, Sri and Wahjuni, Retno Sri and Chusniati, Sri and Arimbi (2017) An In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Test of meniran Herbs (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn) Ethanol Extract Againts Mycoplasma galisepticum Causes chronic respiratory disease (CRD) in Broiler Chickens. Proceeding Veterinary Medicine International Conference (VMIC). KnE Life Sciences. pp. 48-61. ISSN DOI 10.18502/kls.v3i6.1106
Sidik, Romziah and Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti and Hidanah, Sri (2017) Utilization of Digestible Nutriens of Feed Rations Containing Black Gluten and Red Rice By Mini Rex Rabbit. Proceeding The 1st International Conference Postgraduate School Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), 98. pp. 341-344. ISSN 2352-5398
Budi, Rendy Setiawan and Wahjuni, Retno Sri and Hidanah, Sri (2016) Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak spirulina platensis terhadap kadar SGOT dan SGPT pada tikus putih (Rattus noevegicus) yang diinduksi etanol. Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary, 5 (2). pp. 128-134. ISSN 2302-6820
Hidanah, Sri and Supranianondo, Koesnoto and Wahyuni, Retno Sri (2016) Analisis Tatalaksana Penanganan Kesehatan dan Pemasaran Usaha Sapi Potong Rakyat di Kabupaten Bangkalan Menuju Swasembada Dagingdan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional. Prosiding Simposium Nasional Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Tropik Tahun 2016+Sertifikat. pp. 340-346. ISSN 978-979-1215-28-2
Hidanah, Sri and Wahjuni, Retno Sri and Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti (2016) Effectiveness of Meniran (Phyllanthusniruni Linn) as Immunomodulator and antibacterial for Prevention Enterotoxin Escherichia coli Resistant Antibiotics. Poster &Sertifikat. International Seminar The Global Strategy to Combat Emerging Infectious Diseases.Faculty Medicine & Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga.
Hidanah, Sri and Nazar, Dady Soegianto and Supranianondo, Kusnoto and Sidik, Romziah and Mangkoedihardjo, Sarwoko (2016) Volatile Fatty Acids and Ammonia Levels in Local Sheep’s Rumen Fluid Fed with Fermented Rice Straw. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 8 (2). pp. 1324-1328. ISSN 2319-8613
Syaiful, Fahmi Fadlilah and Hidanah, Sri and Triakoso, Nusdianto (2015) High Prevalence genito-Reproductive and Skin disease in Canine geratic at several animal Health Sevices in Surabaya, Periode 2011-2014. Vet Medika Jurnal Klinik Veteriner, 4 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2302-6499
Sekarwangi, Nena and Hidanah, Sri and Supranianondo, Koesnoto (2015) Hubungan Sistem Manajemen Proses Produksi Terhadap Kelayakan Usaha Peternakan Puyuh Petelur di Kabupaten Kediri. Agro Veteriner, 4 (1). pp. 28-33. ISSN 2303-1697
Primaditya, Frisnanda Mitra and Hidanah, Sri and Soeharsono (2015) Analisis Pendapatan dan Produktivitas Ayam Petelur Sistem “Closed House” dengan Penggunaan Mesin Pakan Otomatis dan Manual di Kuwik Farm, Kecamatan Badas, Pare. Agro Veteriner, 3 (2). pp. 99-106. ISSN 2303-1697
Geotivanny, Vianinta and Hidanah, Sri and Nazar, Dady Soegianto (2014) Financial and Sensitivity Analysis of Intensive Vannamei Shrimp Cultivating in Subdistrict of Panceng, Gresik Regency. Agro Veteriner, 3 (1). pp. 16-23. ISSN 2303-1697
Utomo, Budi and Robby, Gian and Hidanah, Sri (2014) The Influence of Mangosteen Peels Infusion (Garciniamangostana L.) to Acrosome Reaction on Rats Spermatozoa. Ovozoa E-Journal, 3 (2). pp. 270-273. ISSN 2302-6464
Wardani, Ivana Kusuma and Soepranianondo, Koesnoto and Hidanah, Sri (2014) Pengaruh Sistem Manajemen Terhadap Kelayakan Usaha Peternakan Ayam Cemani di Desa Kedu Kecamatan Kedu Kabupaten Temanggung. Agro Veteriner, 2 (2). pp. 131-138. ISSN 2303-1697
Hidanah, Sri and Tamrin, Elin M and Nazar, Dady Soegianto and Safitri, Erma (2013) Limbah Tempe dan Limbah Tempe Fermentasi Sebagai Substitusi Jagung Terhadap Daya Cerna Serat Kasar dan Bahan Organik pada Itik Petelur. Agro Veteriner, 2 (1). pp. 72-80. ISSN 2303-1697
Hidanah, Sri and Nazar, Dady Soegianto (2013) The Use of Recycle Soybean Fermented Cake (Tempe) with Cellulolytic Bacteria from Spodopteralitura (UlatGrayak) as Corn Substitution to Carcass and Abdominal Fat Percentage of Duck. Proceeding International Seminar : The Role of Veterinary Science to Support Millennium Development Goals and The 12th Asian Association of Veterinary Schools Congress, Surabaya – Indonesia 4th – 6th September 2013+Sertifikat. pp. 406-410. ISSN 978-602-70438-0-0
Surya indah, Mustika and Mulyati, Sri and Hidanah, Sri (2013) Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Mimba (Azadirachta Indica) Terhadap Persentase Kebuntingan pada Mencit (Mus Musculus). Media Kedokteran Hewan, 29 (2). pp. 83-92. ISSN 2015-8930
Indah, Mustika Surya and Mulyati, Sri and Hidanah, Sri (2013) Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Mimba (AzadirachtaIndica) Terhadap Presentase Kebuntingan pada Mencit (MusMusculus). Media Kedokteran Hewan, 29 (2). pp. 83-92. ISSN 2015-8930
Achlis, Rosida and Anwar, Husni and Hidanah, Sri and Srianto, Pudji (2013) Kualitas Semen Beku Kambing Peranakan Etawa dalam Berbagai Macam Pengencer. Veterinaria Medika, 6 (1). pp. 69-74. ISSN 1979-1305
Hidanah, Sri (2012) Sekolah Yang Ramah Anak. Majalah MATAN Edisi 70.
Koestanti, Emy and Masfufah, Zuli and Hidanah, Sri (2011) Disinfectants Glutaraldehyde and Benzyl Methyl Ammonium Chloride Use to Reduce The Total Number of Bacteria in Cage of Layer Chicken. Journal of Poultry Science, 4 (2). pp. 64-66. ISSN 1979-7222
Hidanah, Sri and Putriayuningtyas, Richa and Sardjito, Trilas (2011) The Use Of Recycle Soybean Fermented Cake (Tempe) with Cellulolytic Bacteria as Corn Substitution to Consumption Feed, Egg Production and Feed Convertion Ratio of Layer Duck. Veterinaria Medika, 4 (3). pp. 203-206. ISSN 1979-1305
Hidanah, Sri (2011) The Use of Recycle Soybean Fermented Cake (Tempe) with Aspergillus Niger and Lactobacillus as Corn Substitution to Carcass and Abdominal Fat Percentage of Broiler. Poster dan sertifikat. International Seminar and 2 nd Congress of SEAVSA. Increasing Animal Production Through Zoonoses and Reproductive Disorder Handling, and The Implementation of Biotechnology.
Hidanah, Sri and Hervina, Linda and Eliyani, Hana and Damayanti, Ratna (2011) The Use of Recycle Soybean Fermented Cake (Tempe) with Cellulolytic Bacteria as Corn Substitution to Crude Protein and Dry Matter Digestibility of Duck Layer. Journal of Poultry Science, 4 (1). pp. 24-26. ISSN 1979-7222
Rosilawati, Erni and Serawati, Febri and Hidanah, Sri (2010) The Influence of Type and Concentration (Garlic, Lysol, and Benzalkonium Klorida) as a Disinfectant to the Coliform Bacterioside in Chicken Feces. Journal of Poultry Science, 3 (2). pp. 75-78. ISSN 1979-7222
Hidanah, Sri and Rizky, Rahmawati and Maslachah, Lilik (2010) The Use of Fermentation Recycle Flour Soybean Fermented Cake (Tempe) as Corn Substitution to Crude Protein and Dry Matter Digestibility of Broiler. Journal of Poultry Science, 3 (2). pp. 97-100. ISSN 1979-7222
Hidanah, Sri (2010) Konsep Animal Welfare untuk Selamatkan Satwa KBS. Koran Jawa Pos, Edisi 9.
Hidanah, Sri and Ustadzah and Widjaja, Nanik Sianita (2010) Pemanfaatan Tepung Limbah Tempe Fermentasi Sebagai Substitusi Jagung Terhadap Daya Cerna Serat Kasar dan Bahan Organik Ayam Pedaging Jantan. Journal of Poultry Science, 3 (1). pp. 13-17. ISSN 1979-7222
Hariadi, Mas'ud and Rizqi, Resmita Citra and Hidanah, Sri (2009) Pengaruh Penyuntikan Isolat Prolaktin Itik Fase Moulting Terhadap Timbulnya Antibodi Poliklonal Anti Prolaktin Kambing. Journal of Poultry Science, 2 (1). pp. 34-39. ISSN 1979-7222
Hidanah, Sri (2008) Komposisi Bakteri dan Jamur Selulolitik Cairan Rumen Domba yang Diberi Pakan Jerami Padi yang Difermentasi Menggunakan Inokulum Bakteri dan Jamur Selulolitik Feces Jerapah. Proceeding : Seminardan Workshop Peran Biosains dalam Pengembangan Teknologi Industri Berbasis Mikrobiologi+Sertifikat. pp. 97-104.
Hidanah, Sri (2008) Digestibility and Retention N Rice Straw Fermentation with Inoculum Bacteria and Fungi Cellulolytic in Sheep. Prosiding seminar Internasional : Management Strategy of Animal Health and Production Control On Anticipation Global Warming For Achievement Of Millennium Development Goals+Sertifikat. pp. 384-387. ISSN 978-979-17677-1-2
Yunus, Muchammad and Utama, Suzannita and Westra, Paridja and Maslachah, Lilik and Luqman, Epy Muhammad and Setiawan, Boedi and Hidanah, Sri (2008) Profile of Sperm In Capacitating Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS) Medium By Supplemented Heparin and Hypotaurine in Fertilization in Vitro of Dairy Bull. Management Strategy Of Animal Health and Production Control On Anticipation Global Warming For Achievement Of Millenium Development Goals. pp. 250-252. ISSN 978-979-17677-1-2
Hidanah, Sri (2008) Utilizing of Cellulolytic Bacterium and Cellulolytic Fungi From Giraffe’s Feces as an Inoculum to Increase the Quality of Rice Straw. Sertifikat dan Poster. Panduan Seminar Internasional : Management Strategy of Animal Health and Production Control On Anticipation Global Warming For Achievement Of Millennium Development Goals. pp. 379-383. ISSN 978-979-17677-1-2
Hidanah, Sri (2007) Perlu Tim Pemantau Peredaran Daging. Koran Jawa Pos Edisi 27.
Hidanah, Sri (2006) Berekreasi ke Perpustakaan Umum Surabaya. Koran Jawa Pos Edisi 16.
Hidanah, Sri (2006) Merebaknya Kasus Flu Burung di Surabaya :“Waspada Harus, Konsumsi Jalan Terus“. Koran Jawa Pos Edisi 24.
Hidanah, Sri (2006) Mewujudkan Sekolah sebagai Rumah Kedua. Koran Jawa Pos Edisi 3.
Hidanah, Sri (2006) Pengembangan Sekolah Kawasan “Komite Sekolah Perlu Diberdayakan”. Koran Jawa Pos Edisi 31.
Prastito and Hidanah, Sri (2003) Konsumsi dan Kecernaan Bahan Kering Serta Berat Akhir Ayam Pedaging Jantan yang Diberi Pakan Substitusi Biskuit Afkir Terfermentasi. Media Kedokteran Hewan, 19 (1). pp. 28-30. ISSN 2015-8930