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Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Dwi Mulia Ramadhaniati and Seno Pradopo (2021) Streptococcus mutans detection on mother-child pairs using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization – time of flight mass spectrometry and polymerase chain reaction. Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 47 (4). pp. 52-54. ISSN 1978-3728
Soegeng Wahluyo and Ratri Anggraini and Welly Anggarani and Dwi Mulia Ramadhaniati and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2018) Delayed Replantation of an Avulsed Permanent Incisor Tooth. Indonesian Journal Of Dental Medicine, 1 (1). pp. 10-13. ISSN 1979-8792
Seno Pradopo and Firli Cahaya Khairani and Wahyudi Sudarsono and Masyithah and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2018) General anaesthesia in the dental management of a child with cerebral palsy and autism: A Case Report. Indonesian Journal Of Dental Medicine, 1 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1979-8792
Tania Saskianti and Zita Aprillia and Mega Moeharyono Puteri and Alivy Aulia Az Zahra and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2018) Lingual Frenectomy as Treatment of Ankyloglossia in Children: A case report. Indonesian Journal Of Dental Medicine, 1 (4). pp. 18-21. ISSN 1979-8792
Tania Saskianti and Rizki Amalia and Stephanie Clara Limbri and Ardianti Maartrina Dewi and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2018) Pre-surgical Orthopedic (PSO) Pre-maxilla Appliance for Children with Cleft Lip and Palate: A Case Series. Indonesian Journal 0f Dental Medicine, 1 (1). pp. 5-9. ISSN 1979-8792
Rhena Raifa H. and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Teguh Budi Wibowo (2017) Daya Antifungi Ekstrak Daun Salam (Syzygium Polyanthum) Terhadap Candida Tropicalis Dari Anak Dalam Terapi Kanker. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 9 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1979-8792
Alit Rahma Restu and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Mega moerharyono puteri (2017) Hubungan Health Belief Ibu Tentang Kesehatan Gigi Dan Mulut Anak Terhadap Tingkat Karies Gigi Anak Prasekolah Di Kecamatan Gubeng. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 9 (2). pp. 54-58. ISSN 1979-8792
Belgis Anasis and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Teguh Budi Wibowo (2017) Hubungan Level Streptococcus Mutans Pada Ibu Dengan Anak Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kecamatan Gubeng Surabaya. Indoneisan Pediatric Dental Journal, 9 (2). pp. 47-52. ISSN 1979-8792
Clarisha Celia Tamara and FX. Suharijadi and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2016) Daya Hambat Gel Ekstrak Kulit Buah Delima Putih (Punica Granatum Linn) Terhadap Bakteri Streptococcus Mutans Dan Lactobacillus Acidophilus). Indonesia Pediatric Dental Journal, 8 (2). pp. 43-50. ISSN 1979-8792
Hamidah Yusuf and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Irmawati (2016) Daya Antijamur Ekstrak Buah Nanas (Ananas Comosus (L) Merr) Terhadap Candida Albicans Pada Anak. Indonesia Pediatric Dental Journal, 8 (3). pp. 77-84. ISSN 1979-8729
Hamida Yusuf and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Irmawati (2016) Daya antijamur ekstrak buah nanas (Ananas comosus (L) Merr) terhadap Candidaalbicans pada anak. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 8 (3). pp. 74-79. ISSN 1979-8792
Taufan Bramantoro and Yayi Suryo Prabandari and Djauhar Ismail and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2016) The Patterns of Dental Caries Influence on the Children’s Quality of Life Aged 3-5 Years Based on the Socioeconomic Characteristics. Science Journal of Public Health, 3 (6). pp. 830-835. ISSN 2328-7942
Tiarisna Hidayatun Nisa and Seno Pradopo and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2016) “Robo-Smile” sebagai media stimuli audio dan visual untuk mengurangi kecdmasan anak saat perawatan gigi. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 8 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1979-8792
Taufan Bramantoro and Yayi Suryo Prabandari and Djauhar Ismail and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2015) The development of early childhood caries impact on quality of life-Indonesia instrument as assessment instrument of dental caries impact on quality of life of children aged 3-5 years based on Indonesian community characteristics. Dental Jurnal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 48 (4). pp. 197-203. ISSN 1978 - 3728
Rina Hertina Aprilia and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Irmawati (2015) Daya Antifungi Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) dan Obat Kombinasi Glycyrrhizae Radix- Sophorae Radix Terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida Albicans pada Anak. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 7 (2). pp. 58-64. ISSN 1979-8792
Ufo Pramigi and Herawati and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2014) Pertunjukkan Wayang Paper Toys (Peto) Sebagai Media Penyuluhan Kebersihan Gigi Dan Mulut Pada Anak Usia Dini. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 6 (2). pp. 51-56. ISSN 1979-8792
Susilowati and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and FX Suhariadji (2014) The Additional xylitol in glucose and sucrose on growth of Mutans Streptococci (in vitro). Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 47 (4). pp. 181-185. ISSN 1978-3728
Murtia Metalita and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Prawati Nuraini (2014) Indirect pulp capping in primary molar using glass ionomer cements. Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 47 (4). pp. 190-193. ISSN 1978-3728
Sarah Kartimah Djajusman and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Irmawati (2014) Inhibition effect of xylitol and nistatin combination on Candida albicans growth (in vitro). Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 3. pp. 164-167. ISSN 1978-3728
Citra Adinda and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Teguh Budi Wibowo (2014) Initial acquisition age of Mutans Streptococci and number of erupted primary teeth in children. Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 47 (4). pp. 202-204. ISSN 1978-3728
Masyithah and Sugeng Wahluyo and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2014) Kadar Kelarutan Kalsium Gigi Sulung dalam Minuman Berkarbonasi. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 6 (2). pp. 63-68. ISSN 1979-8792
Dewi Anggreani Bibi and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Irmawati (2014) Reduction of salivary Mutans Streptococci in children with fixed orthodontic appliance after yoghurt consumption. Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 47 (2). pp. 82-86. ISSN 1978-3728
Tania Saskianti and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Irmawati (2014) Treatment of non-vital primary molar using lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR 3Mix-MP). Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 46 (2). pp. 80-84. ISSN 1978-3728
Tri Wijayanti Puspitasari and Tania Saskianti and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2014) The characterization of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth using trypsin enzym. Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 47 (2). pp. 115-119. ISSN 1978-3728
Putri Pradnya Paramita and Satiti Kuntari and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2010) Pola Bottle Feeding Dan Prevalensi Nursing Bottle Caries Pada Balita Bottle Feeding Pattern And Prevalence Of Nursing Bottle Caries In The Children. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 2 (3). pp. 30-36. ISSN 1979-8792
Rizky Setyo Avianti and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2010) Aktivitas Karies Anak Usia Prasekolah Berdasarkan Pola Nursing Bottle Feeding. Dental Journal, 2 (2). pp. 44-48. ISSN 1979-8792
Riski Setyo Avianti and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2010) Aktivitas Karies Anak Usia Prasekolah bedasarkan Pola Nursing Bottle Feeding. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 2 (3). pp. 43-48. ISSN 1979-8792
Triana Ferry and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2009) Aktivitas karies gigi setelah aplikasi topikal gel Acidulated Phophate Fluoride (APF) gel 1,23%. Indonesian Pediatric Dental Journal, 1 (1). pp. 12-19. ISSN 1979-8792
Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Seno Pradopo and Prawati Nuraini (2008) Perubahan Oral Flora dan Sensitifitas Karies Gigi anak setelah Pengulasan Fluoride secara Topikal. Jurnal Penelitian Medika Eksakta, 7 (1). pp. 9-15. ISSN 1411-6626
Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Katsuyuki Kozai (2017) Level and Strain Number of Streptococcus Mutans in Toddlers After The Initial Acquisition. In: TIMNAS7-JSMID4. FKG UNAIR, Surabaya, pp. 234-238. ISBN 978-989-758-341-4
Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2016) Current Concepts of Dental Caries in Children. In: Dentisphare 3. Hang Tuah University, Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya., p. 14. ISBN 978-602-14590-1-0
Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2016) Transmission of Streptococcus Mutans and Dental Caries Risk in Children. In: Proceedings KPPIKG 2016 The 17th Scientific Meeting and Refresher Course in Dentistry. Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, pp. 281-286. ISBN 978-602-18082-1-4
Betha Shidqi Prasasti and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Teguh Budi Wibowo and Herawati (2015) Penangan Kasus Bohn’S Nodules pada Bayi Usia 2 Bulan. In: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak VIII. USU Press, Medan, pp. 197-200. ISBN 979 458 775 3
Ike Ratna and Seno Pradopo and Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2012) Identifikasi Streptococcus and Inisial Aquisition in Babies. In: Proceeding 8th Biennial Conference Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia. LSKI, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 66-72. ISBN 978-602-18082-1-4
Thalca Hamid and Seno Pradopo and Udijanto Tedjosasongko and Satiti Kuntari (2018) Model Pemberdayaan Ibu Hamil Untuk Optimalisasi Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Gigi Dan Rongga Mulut Anak Balita Pada Komunitas Miskin Provinsi Jawa Timur. Laporan Penelitian. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, SURABAYA. (Unpublished)
Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2017) Prevention and Treatment of Nursing Bottle Caries. In: International Dental Conference of Sumatera Utara, 7 - 9 Desember 2017, Medan.
Udijanto Tedjosasongko (2023) BERKAS UDIJANTO TEDJOSASONGKO, drg.,Ph.D., SpKGA(K). Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga.