Nourca Anggun Frenanda, -
Analisis Perilaku Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Pengolahan Air Sadah Yang Tepat Untuk Bahan Konsumsi Terhadap Upaya Pencegahan Batu Saluran Kemih.
Urolithiasis is a pathologic and condition which is still a frequent problematic issue in the clinic, especially for its recurrence. condition of over calcium cansM urolithiasis. In Indonesia, urolithiasis is number two cause kidney ilJness gather with urinary infection. Water in Cendoro village have high lime or calcium subtance about CaC03 = 620 mgJ L. If water usM to consumption, it can be seriously disease like urethral stones that happen increased calcium subtance in metabolism and increased absorption calcium in intestine (hipen:alsiuria) then confonnity with ocsalat be stone in urine. It causM obstruction in urine tract This research usM descriptive analytic study. The population was 46 housewife that use sadah water. Sample size was 41 of population. Data were colected using questionaire and analyzed by Spearman Rho and Content Analysis. The result showed that most of society 29 of respondent (7]%) have less knowledge efficient sadah water processing, most of society also have negative attitude 23 of respondent (56%), and most of society 25 of respondents (61%) have less act about efficient sadah water. There is relationship between knowledge and attitude with signification (p = 0.(00), knowledge and act with signification (p= 0.(00) and attitude and act with signification (p = 0.(00). It can be conclude that knowledge has effect in attitude of housewife about efficient sadah water processing, knowledge has effect in act of housewife and attitude has effect in act ofbousewife. The suggestionis the needs of elucidation and education of health about the urolithiasis disease prevention and the importance of health life awareness in the community.
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