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Ukhti Mukminah Ilmi Amila and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2020) Synapsis Expression Increased By Mozart’s Music Stimulation Compared With Indonesian Pop And Religious Music. Saintika Medika Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan dan Kedokteran Keluarga, 16 (1). pp. 28-32. ISSN 2614X476X
Hermanto Tri Joewono and Agus Sulistyono and Ratriana Via Parasati and Aditiawarman (2020) Characteristics of fetal congenital anomalies at outpatient clinic of tertiary hospital. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1651-1655. ISSN 13079867
Agustina Mar'atus Sholichah and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2020) Jumlah Sel Neuron Cerebrum pada Paparan Musik Mozart Lebih Tinggi Dibandingkan Dengan Paparan Musik Indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara Forikes, 11 (1). pp. 18-22. ISSN 20863098
Hermanto Tri Joewono and Agus Sulistyono and Erliana and Aditiawarman (2020) Maternal and infant outcomes of gestational diabetes mellitus and pregestational diabetes mellitus booked cases in maternity. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1583-1588. ISSN 13079867
Hermanto Tri Joewono and Agus Sulistyono and Ni Ketut Anny Kartiningsih and Faroek Hoesin and Aditiawarman (2020) Association of third trimester body mass index and pregnancy weight gain in obese pregnant women to umbilical artery atherosclerotic markers and fetal outcomes. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1767-1773. ISSN 13079867
Hermanto Tri Joewono and Agus Sulistyono and Ratria Via P. and Aditiawarman (2020) Characteristics of fetal congenital anomalies at outpatient clinic of tertiary hospital. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1651-1655. ISSN 13079867
Maria Felixia Agustini Bayo and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Widjiati and Sulistiawati and Zaenal Abidin (2020) The Difference Effect of Adolescent and Adult Pregnancy on Apoptosis Index of Neuron Cells. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 11 (3). pp. 1630-1635. ISSN 0976-5506
Hermanto Tri Joewono (2020) The Evidence For The Influence of Musical Compositions During Pregnancy to the Structure and Functions of the Offsprings' Brain. Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 28 (1). pp. 44-51. ISSN 08540381
Agus Sulistyono and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Yustinasari and Aditiawarman (2020) Maternal mortality from eclampsia at tertiary referral hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1709-1713. ISSN 13079867
Dian Sukmawati and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2020) Mozart Memberikan Hasil Indeks Apoptosis Lebih Rendah daripada Musik Pop, Religi dan Tanpa Pemberian Musik. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara Forikes, 11 (1). pp. 28-33. ISSN 20863098
Hermanto Tri Joewono and Agus Sulistyono and Aditiwarman (2020) Old premise on maternal death at tertiary referral hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia: too old, too little, too late. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences Eurasia J Biosci, 14 (1). pp. 1673-1677. ISSN 13079867
Hermanto Tri Joewono (2020) Reducing Maternal Morbidities in Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders (PASD). EC Clinical And Medical Case Reports, 3 (5). pp. 19-26.
Sriyana Herman and Budi Santoso and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Agus Sulistyono and Hari Basuki Notobroto and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Risk Factors as an Indicator of Non-Complications Spontaneous Preterm Birth: a Study in Eight Hospitals. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 13 (1). pp. 395-399. ISSN 1309-100X
Hermanto Tri Joewono (2020) We Need More Aggressive Early Antenatal Care for Preeclampsia in Low Resource Primary Care Setting. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 3 (7). pp. 188-197.
Fitria Desky and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2019) FR 50% in pregnancy results in different neuron and glial cell count (astrocytes, olygodendrocytes, and microglia) in the cerebrum and cerebellum of newborn Rattus norvegicus. Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 27 (2). pp. 56-65. ISSN 08540381
Amiruddin and Sriyana Herman and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Asrul Sani and Junaid and Ali Imran and Jafriati (2019) Improvement Knowledge and Attitude about Adolescent's Reproductive Health through Education Intervention in Junior and Senior High. Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7 (4). pp. 296-302. ISSN 23387335
Apsari Duhita Dyah and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2019) Maternal Death Model Decreases the Expression of BDNF in Rattus Norvegicus Newborns’ cerebrum and cerebellum. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 997-992. ISSN 09760245
Pitria Permatasari and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2019) Perbedaan Pengaruh Paparan Musik Mozart, Beethoven dan Chopin Selama Kebuntingan Terhadap Ekspresi Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor di Crebellum Rattus Norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Obsgin: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan, 11 (3). pp. 46-50. ISSN 19793340
Dessy Hidayati Fajrin and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widji Soeratri (2019) Perbedaan Pengaruh Paparan Musik Mozart, Beethoven, dan Chopin Selama Kebuntingan Terhadap Indeks Apoptosis Sel Neuron Di Cerebellum Rattus Norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Obsgin: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan, 11 (3). pp. 30-40. ISSN 19793340
Ancha Ayu Amishinta and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2019) Perbedaan Pengaruh Paparan Musik Mozart, Beethoven, dan Chopin Selama Kebuntingan Terhadap Kepadatan Dendrit di Cerebellum Rattus Norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Obsgin: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan, 11 (3). pp. 24-29. ISSN 19793340
Hurin'in Nur Maziyah and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2019) Synapsin-i Expression in the Rattus norvegicus Pup's Brain from Rat's Maternal Death Model. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 1235-1240. ISSN 09760245
Harry Mangasi Binsar Panjaitan and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2019) Default sequence of Mozart’s compositions during pregnancy gave higher dendritic density in the cerebrum and cerebellum of Rattus norvegicus offsprings compared with reversed sequence and control. Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 27 (1). pp. 5-11. ISSN 0854-0381
Dwi Puji Wijayanti and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2019) Pengaruh Frekuensi Paparan Stresor Cahaya Saat Kebuntingan Terhadap Jumlah Dendrit Dan Ekspresi Mtorc1otak Mencit (Mus Musculus) Baru Lahir. Jurnal Keperawatan, 17 (1). pp. 60-67. ISSN 2580-4782
A Rizal D J and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Sri Murtiwi and Ernawati (2019) A Comparison of HBA1c in Pregestational Diabetes Patients with Obesity. Biochem. Cell. Arch., 19 (2). pp. 4745-4748. ISSN 09725075
Agnes Krisylva and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Margarita M Maramis (2019) Faktor Pola Asuh, Status Pernikahan Orang Tua dan Religiusitas Merupakan Faktor Risiko Yang Memengaruhi Kehamilan Sebelum Menikah Pada Remaja di Empat Puskesmas Kabupaten Sikka Tahun 2017. JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH Edisi Khusus Juli 2019. ISSN eISSN : 25977539 | pISSN : 25412396
Zumroh Hasanah and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Nalini Muhdi (2019) Faktor Risiko Depresi Antenatal Di Puskesmas Jagir Dan Tanah Kali Kedinding Surabaya. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah, 4 (2). pp. 56-66. ISSN 25412396
Agnes Krisylva and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Margarita Maria Maramis (2019) Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kehamilan Sebelum Menikah Pada Remaja Di Empat Puskesmas Kabupaten Sikka Tahun 2017. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. pp. 190-199. ISSN 25412396
Eka Fitriani Sujitno and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Margarita Maria Maramis (2019) Faktor yang Memengaruhi Penundaan Kehamilan Pada Pernikahan Remaja Usia 14-19 Tahun Di 2 Kabupaten Provinsi Gorontalo. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. pp. 182-189. ISSN 25412396
Syania Mega Octariyandra and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Mudjiani Basuki (2019) Mozart Compilation During Pregnancy Gave Higher Number of Neurons of Rattus Norvegicus Offsprings in Cerebrum Compared to Jazz, Blues, and Rock Compilation. Global Journal of Medical Research: E Gynecology and Obstetrics, 19 (4). pp. 1-9. ISSN 22494618
Herlina Alvianti Ningsih and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2019) Perbedaan Pengaruh Paparan Musik Mozart, Beethoven dan Chopin Selama Kebuntingan Terhadap Jumlah Sel Neuron di Cerebellum Rattus Norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Obsgin: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan, 11 (3). pp. 41-45. ISSN 19793340
Anwar Fauzi and Widjiati and Hermanto Tri Joewono (2018) Fifty Percent Of Food Restriction During Gestation Reduced The Dendritic Density Of Cerebrum And Cerebellum Of Rattus Norvegicus’ Newborn. Majala Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 26 (3). pp. 112-117. ISSN 08540381
Andita Hapsari and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2018) Apoptosis Index Of Cerebrum And Cerebellum Neuronal Cells In Rattus Norvegicus Neonates Born From Mothers Treated With 50% Food Restriction During Gestation. Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 26 (2). pp. 48-54. ISSN 08540381
Agustina Hidayati and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2018) Increased Brain Derived Neurothropic Factor in the cerebrum and cerebellum of Rattus norvegicus newborn with exposure to Mozart's music in default sequence compared with the reversed sequence and without exposure during gestation. Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 26 (2). pp. 67-73. ISSN 08540381
Yulia Putri Permatasari and Widjiati and Hermanto Tri Joewono (2018) Effect of prenatal Mozart Composition on Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor expression in cerebrum and cerebellum of Rattus norvegicus offspring from Food Restriction 50 model. Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 26 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 08540381
Nyna Puspita Ningrum and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2018) Effects of Folic Acid Intake During Pregnancy Whose Mother Was Exposed To Cigarette Smoke Towards Brain Neurons Apoptosis Index And Quantity of MICE (Mus musculus) Offspring. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 54 (1). pp. 34-40. ISSN 23558393
Iin Setiawati and Bambang Purwanto and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Budiono and Budi Santoso (2018) Effects of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract to Risk of Endometrial Hyperplasia in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Model with Insulin Resistance. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 11 (03). pp. 1123-1129. ISSN 1309100X
Iin Setiawati and Bambang Purwanto and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Budiono and Budi Santoso (2018) Effects of Moringa oleifera Leaf extract to risk of endometrial hyperplasia in polycystic Ovary Syndrome model with insulin resistance. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 11 (3). pp. 1123-1129. ISSN 1309100X
Dessy Amelia and Budi Santoso and Bambang Purwanto and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Budiono (2018) Effects of Moringa oleifera on insulin levels and folliculogenesis in polycystic ovary syndrome model with insulin resistance. Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 18 (1). pp. 22-30. ISSN 18715222
Sonea Venugopal and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Pudji Lestari (2018) Macrosomic Newborn and Glucose Level in Lean Pregnant Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Althea Medical Journal, 5 (4). pp. 175-178. ISSN 2337-4330
Sonea Venugopal and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Pudji Lestari (2018) Macrosomic Newborn and Glucose Level in Lean Pregnant Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Alteha Medical Journal, 5 (4). pp. 175-178. ISSN 2337-4330
Alfonsus Adrian Hadikusumo Harsono and Achmadi and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar and Hermanto Tri Joewono (2018) Recurrent Seizures in 2 Patients with Magnesium Sulfate-Treated Eclampsia at a Secondary Hospital. American Journal of Case Report, 19. pp. 1129-1134. ISSN 19415923
Agus Sulistyono and Andhita Hapsari and Erry Gumilar Dachlan and Hermanto Tri Joewono and M. Nadir Abdullah and Aditiawarman and Ernawati and Budi Wicaksono and Khanisyah Erza Gumilar and Manggala Pasca Wardhana and Nareswari Cininta I and Rozi Aditia and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar (2018) The characteristic of PE (preeclampsia) complication at lupus on pregnancy. Pregnancy Hypertension, 13 (S.1). pp. 119-120. ISSN 2210-7789
Eka Nasrur Maulana and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati and Windhu Purnomo (2017) Why Mozart Compositions During Pregnancy Should Be Exposed In The Night. Study On Apoptotic Index of Rattus Norvegicus offsprings’ Brain Neurons. Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 25 (3). pp. 97-102. ISSN 08540381
Melina Rosita Tanadi and Maria Inge Lusida and Hermanto Tri Joewono (2017) Proportion of HBsAg and HBeAg Positive in Maternal Patients and Their HBsAg Positives Babies with Immunoprophylaxis of HBVImmunization in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya. Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, 6 (4). pp. 79-83. ISSN 23560991
Henky Mohammad Masteryanto and Gatut Hardianto and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Eko Budi Koendhori (2015) Infeksi Saluran Kemih Sebagai Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Ancaman Persalinan Preterm. Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi, 23 (2). pp. 75-81. ISSN 08540381
Ernawati and Erliana and Wijayanti and Agus Sulistyono and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar and Budi Wicaksono and Khanisyah Erza Gumilar and Manggala Pasca Wardhana and Nareswari Cininta and Rozi Aditya Aryananda and Erry Gumilar Dachlan and Aditiawarman (2019) Expectant Management of Early Onset Preeclampsia in Developing Country: Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes. In: Proceeding Book Dutch Foundation The Continuum Of Care In Pre Eclampsia Mother Infant Child. CV Saga Jawadwipa, Surabaya, pp. 14-25. ISBN 978-602-5758-55-3
Beatrix Between Mengga and Erry Gumilar Dachlan and Nadir Abdullah and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Aditiawarman and Agus Sulistyono and Budi Wicaksono and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar and Manggala Pasca Wardhana and Khanisyah Erza Gumilar and Rozi Aditya Aryananda and Nareswari Imanadha Cininta and Ernawati (2018) Angka Kematian Ibu Sebelum Dan Sesudah Pemberlakuan Program JKN. In: Proceeding Book International Seminar On Innovations Towards No Woman Should Die While Giving, Surabaya. Department Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, pp. 134-140.
Cininta Nareswari I. and Agus Sulistyono and Aditiawarman and Khanisyah Erza Gumilar and Manggala Pasca Wardhana and Aryananda RA and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar and Wicaksono B and Ernawati and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Erry Gumilar Dachlan and Abdullah Nadhir (2018) Characteristic and Referral System Analysis on Maternal Mortality Caused By Cardiovascular Disease in Dr. Soetomo Hospital On January-August 2017. In: Proceeding Book International Seminar On Innovations Towards No Woman Should Die While Giving, Surabaya. Department Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, pp. 125-127.
Manggala Pasca Wardhana and Budi Wicaksono and Erry Gumilar Dachlan and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar and Ernawati and Agus Sulistyono and Aditiawarman and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Widjiati (2015) Decreasing of placental progesterone induced blocking factor expression and spiral artery remodeling disturbance in mice preeclampsia model. In: Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health.
Sriyana Herman and Hermanto Tri Joewono (2020) Buku Acuan Persalinan Kurang Bulan (Prematur). Yayasan Avicenna Kendari, Kendari. ISBN 978-623-92934-0-6
Hermanto Tri Joewono (2019) Bersujud Dalam Rahim 2 Mencerdaskan Janin Sejak Dalam Rahim Dengan Kombinasi Stimulasi 11-14 Musik Karya Mozart Dan Nutrisi. Global Persada Press 2013, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-19619-4-0
Hermanto Tri Joewono (2014) Bersujud Dalam Rahim Mengoptimalkan Periode Platinum Kehamilan Untuk Tumbuh Kembang Buah Hati. Global Persada Press 2014, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-19619-3-3
Ernawati and Erliana and Agus Sulistyono and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar and Budi Wicaksono and Khanisyah Erza Gumilar and Manggala Pasca Wardhana and Nareswari Cininta and Rozi Aditya Aryananda and Risa Etika and Windu Purnomo and Nadhir Abdullah and Erry Gumilar Dachlan and Gustaaf Dekker and Aditiawarman (2018) Expectant management of severe preeclampsia in a developing country: Maternal outcomes and perinatal survival. ScenceDirect.