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Tintin Sukartini, - and Nursalam, - and Rifky Octavia Pradipta, - and Masunatul Ubudiyah, - (2023) Potential Methods to Improve Self-Management in Those with Type 2 Diabetes: A Narrative Review. International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 21 (1). ISSN ISSN:1726-913XE-ISSN:1726-9148
Apri Sunadi, - and Nursalam, - and Mustika Sari, - and SRIYONO, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Suriadi Jais, - (2023) Relationship Between Nurse Factors And Nursing Service Quality For Orthopedic Patients In Hospitals. CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing, 34. pp. 5382-5389. ISSN ISSN 15382931, 15389774
Tintin Sukartini, - (2022) SK Dekan No.113/UN3.1.13/2022 Penguji Ujian Disertasi Tertutup (Promosi Doktor) Keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan Atas Nama "Indah Wulandari, S.Kep.Ns., M.Kep.Sp.Kep.MB". Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga.
Tri Pudy Asmarawati, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Ardhena Ekasari, - and Devi Rahma Sofia, - and NURUL KAMARIYAH, - and Dwiki Novendrianto, - and PUTRI YULIASARI, - and Kuswantoro Rusca P, - and Joel Rey Acob, - and Choirina Windradi, - and Bagus Aulia Mahdi, - and Okla Sekar Martani, - and Esthiningrum Dewi Agustin, - (2022) Analysis of contact tracing surveillance for COVID-19 among healthcare workers in secondary referral hospital, Indonesia. F1000Research, 11 (506). pp. 1-15. ISSN 20461402
Tintin Sukartini, - and Ferry Efendi, - and NOVITA SURYA PUTRI, - (2022) A phenomenological study to explore patient experience of fluid and dietary restrictions imposed by hemodialysis. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 40 (2). pp. 105-111. ISSN 10620303
NATALIA CHRISTIN TIARA REVITA, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Makhfudli, - and Joel Rey Ugsang Acob, - and Hasanudin, - and Handira NadhifatulAini, - (2022) The lmpact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Tuberculosis Patient Treatme nt Ad he re nce. JURNAT RESPTRASI, 08 (02). pp. 113-118. ISSN P-ISSN 240?-0631, e-ISSN 2621-8372
MISUTARNO, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Khamida, - and Siti Nur Hasina, - (2022) The Effectiveness of Peer Group Supportto lncrease Health Related Quality of Life among Human lmmunodeficiency Virus/Acquired lmmunodeficiency Syndrome Patients: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 10 No. pp. 129-135. ISSN 1857-965
HASANUDIN, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Makhfudli, - and Alfian Nur Rosyid, - and NATALIA CHRISTIN TIARA REVITA, - and HANDIRA NADHIFATUL AINI, - and - and - (2022) The Effectiveness of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Pulmonary Function among Adults Patients of COVID- 19 Survivors: A Systematic Review. JURNAL RESPIRASI, 8 (1). pp. 15-25. ISSN 2407-0831; e-ISSN: 2621-8372
Nuh Huda, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Erna heny Trisusanti, - and Ninik Ambar Sari, - and Ceria Nurhayati, - and Sri Anik Rustini, - and - and - and - (2022) Stigma and Anxiety Levels With Adherence on the Treatment Schedule Patient With HIV/AIDS in Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 18 (2). pp. 206-212. ISSN 16758544
Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Heri Kuswanto, - and SETYOWATI, - and Devi Mediarti, - and Rosnani, - and Rifky Octavia Pradipta, - and MASUNATUL UBUDIYAH, - and DLUHA MAF’ULA, - and Sirikanok Klankhajhon, - and HIDAYAT ARIFIN, - and - and - and - and - and - (2022) Investigation of discriminatory attitude toward people living with HIV in the family context using socio-economic factors and information sources: A nationwide study in Indonesia. PeerJ, 10 (e13841). ISSN 21678359
Ni Luh Putu Inca Buntari Agustini, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and I Dewa Ayu Rismayanti, - and Ni Wayan Suniadewi, - and - and - and - (2022) PALLIATIVE CARE LEARNING MODEL BASED ON TRANSFORMATIONAL LEARNING THEORY IN PALLIATIVE CARE OF NURSING STUDENTS IN INDONESIA. Enfermeria Clinica, 33 (2). pp. 102-114. ISSN 11308621, 15792013
Pradita Ayu Fernanda, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Makhfudli, - and - (2022) Penerapan Health Belief Model terhadap Pencegahan Perilaku Covid-19: A Literature Review. Jurnal Keperawatan, 14 (4). pp. 1261-1270. ISSN e-ISSN 2549-8118; p-ISSN 2085-1049
Sumail, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Agus Santoso Budi, - and Misutarno, - (2022) Pengembangan Bedside Handover SBAR dengan Aplikasi Android terhadap Keselamatan Pasien. Jurnal Keperawatan, 14 (3). pp. 685-702. ISSN e-ISSN 2549-8118; p-ISSN 2085-1049
Nur Arifah Astri, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Hanik Endang Nihayati, - and - (2022) Perbedaan MBSR dan Terapi Musik untuk Menurunkan Stres pada Pasien kanker Payudara di Era Pandemi Covid-19. Journal of Telenursing (JOTING), 4 (2). pp. 696-705. ISSN e-ISSN: 2684-8988p-ISSN: 2684-8996
Fitri Haryanti, - and Tuti Nuraini, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Wahyu Hidayati, - and Nursalam, - and Fitri Arofiati, - and Nyimas Heny Purwati, - and lrna Nursanti, - and Dewi Prabawati, - and Yanny Trisyani, - and Muhammad Hadi, - (2022) Remote Learning for Nursing Education in Indonesia during The Covid-r9 Pandemic: Efforts and Recommendations. Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman,, 17 (1). pp. 7-13. ISSN 1907-6637 , 2579-9320
APRIYANI PUJI HASTUTI, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Yuni Sufyanti Arief, - and Nursalam, - and Hanim Mufarokhah, - (2022) Women's Empowerment to lmprove Nutritiona! Status in Children: A Systematic Review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences,, 10 (F 2022). pp. 41-47. ISSN 1857-9655
Tintin Sukartini, - and Nursalam, - and HIDAYAT ARIFIN, - (2021) The determinants of willingness to care for people living with HIV-AIDS: A cross-sectional study in Indonesia, 1 Tintin Sukartini Dr. (Doctor in Nursing) , 2 Nursalam Nursalam M. Nurs (Hons), 3 Hidayat Arifin M. Kep. Health and sociaty care in community, 29 (3). pp. 809-817. ISSN 14337851, 15213773
Sahrir Ramadhan, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Ferry Efendi, - and - (2021) Pengalaman Psikososial Penderita Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara Forikes, 12 (1). pp. 103-106. ISSN p-ISSN 2086-3098 e-ISSN 2502-7778
Azizah Khoiriyati, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Kusnanto, - and NINUK DIAN KURNIAWATI, NIM011417017325 (2021) Barriers in the process of care transition from hospital to home in post-acute coronary syndrome: patients’ perspective. Bali Medical Journal, 10 (3). pp. 1308-1312. ISSN P-ISSN.2089-1180, E-ISSN: 2302-2914
Nuh Huda, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Qori Ila Saidah, - and Dwi Priyantini, - (2021) Effectiveness Education Based on SelfEfficacy for Strengthening Behavior of Foot Care in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Indonesia. RIGEO Review of International Geographical Education, 11 (5). pp. 273-279. ISSN 2146-0353
Tintin Sukartini, - and Tri Pudy Asmarawati, - (2021) MATRICS (Mobile Aplication For Tracing’s Surveillans). Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga. (Submitted)
Ni Luh Putu IB. Agustini, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Gst. Kade Adi W. Pranata, - and Ni W. Suniyadewi, - and I Dewa A. Rismayanti, - (2021) Teaching Methodologies Regarding Palliative Care Competencies on Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Systematic Review. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 14 (3). pp. 1302-1308. ISSN 1309-100X
DLUHA MAF’ULA, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and - (2020) Quality of Nursing Worklife Based on Caring Model for Improving Nurse Performance in Hospitals. Indonesian Nursing Journal of Education and Clinic (INJEC), 5 (2). pp. 172-184. ISSN pISSN: 2527-8800 � eISSN: 2527-8819
Devi Mediarti, - and Rosnani, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and HIDAYAT ARIFIN, 131511123072 and - and Yulia Kurniawati, - and - and - and - and - (2020) Coverage and factors associated with complete polio vaccination among Indonesian children aged 0–18 months. Children and Youth Services Review, 118. pp. 2-6. ISSN 0190-7409
Tintin Sukartini, - and Ahmad Eko Wibowo, - and Abu Bakar, - and - (2020) The relationship of nurse characteristics with prevention behavior and control of pulmonary tuberculosis infection. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (2). pp. 2663-2668. ISSN 1307-9867
Andrik Hermanto, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Esti Yunitasari, - and - (2020) Terapi Non Farmakalogis untuk Mengurangi Kecemasan pada Pasien Kanker dengan Kemoterapi: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara Forikes, 11 (4). pp. 334-337. ISSN p-ISSN 2086-3098 e-ISSN 2502-7778
Tintin Sukartini, - and NORA DWI PURWANTI, - and Herdina Mariyanti, - and - (2020) Family Health Tasks Implementation and Medication Adherence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients: A Correlational Study. Jurnal Ners, 15 (1). pp. 49-58. ISSN 1858-3598 2502-5791
Tintin Sukartini, - and Alfiatis Su’udiyah, - and Laily Hidayati, - and - (2020) International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Relationship of The Family Health Task Implementation with Motivation and Adherence of Tuberculosis Treatment among Tuberculosis Patients, 12 (4). pp. 2199-2203. ISSN 0975-2366
Tintin Sukartini, - and ACHMAD RASYID RIDHO, 131511123081 and Herdina Mariyanti, - and - (2020) The Relations of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Precautions with Asthma Control Levels i Patients With Asthma. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (2). pp. 2192-2198. ISSN 09752366
Tintin Sukartini, - and Gustini Gustini, - and Ilya Krisnana, - and - (2020) Combining Essential Ginger Oil and Acupressure Relaxation Techniques for Cancer Patients, PostChemotherapy. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 13 (6). pp. 276-290. ISSN 22011315, 22011323
Sirajudin Noor, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and - (2020) Determinants of Organisational Commitment on Nurse’s Performance. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 13 (6). pp. 235-248. ISSN 22011315, 22011323
Lingga Curnia Dewi, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Ninuk Dian Kurniawati, - and Khatijah Liem, - (2020) The Effects of Home-Based Exercise Training on Physical Performance, Fatigue and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patient Receiving Chemotherapy: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (7). pp. 9184-9191. ISSN 1475-7192
Totok Indarto, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Makhfudli, - and - (2020) Factors Contributing to TB at Primary Health Center in Sidoarjo - Indonesia. Jurnal Ners, 15 (2). pp. 433-435. ISSN 1858-3598 , 2502-5791
Tintin Sukartini, - and SRI WAHYUNI, - and Makhfudli, - (2020) The Factors That Related to the Success of Tuberculosis Cadres in Tuberculosis Case Finding. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (5). pp. 562-566. ISSN 09758453, 09762779
Sholihin, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Aria Aulia Nastiti, - and - (2020) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Dokumentasi Keperawatan: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara Forikes, 11 (3). pp. 222-227. ISSN 2086-3098 , 2502-7778
Tintin Sukartini, - and Ika Nur Pratiwi, - and MARIA FATIMA KOA, 131711123055 and - (2020) Individual Coaching on Self-Efficacy, Control and Medication Adherence in Patients with Tuberculosis. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (7). pp. 7620-7627. ISSN 1475-7192
Tintin Sukartini, - and Lingga Curnia Dewi, - and Hanik Endang Nihayati, - and Nadia Rohmatul Laili, - and I Ketut Tirka Nandaka, - and Anita Nugraheni, - and - and - (2020) The Lived Experience of Women with Breast Cancer. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 13 (6). pp. 249-262. ISSN 22011315, 22011323
MASUNATUL UBUDIYAH, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and - (2020) Middle School Students’ Perception on a Health Promoting School to Prevent Bullying: A Qualitative Study. Jurnal Ners, 16 (1). pp. 6-12. ISSN 1858-3598 , 2502-5791
Tintin Sukartini, - and ACHMAD MASFI, NIM.: 131614153046 and A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat,, - and Nursalam, - (2020) Organizational Effectiveness with Mckinsey 7s Model Approach on Public Health Center in Madura, Indonesia. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (7). pp. 4100-4112. ISSN 1475-7192
Ninuk Dian Kurniawati, - and Makhfudli, - and Nadia Rohmatul Laili, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Erna Dwi Wahyuni, - and Deni Yasmara, - and - and - (2020) PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MELAKUKAN PERTOLONGAN PERTAMA PADA KECELAKAAN SISWA SMU MELALUI METODE SIMULASI DAN ROLE PLAY. JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT DALAM KEPERAWATAN, 2 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN Online ISSN : 2721-0618, Print ISSN : 2746-4202
Tintin Sukartini, - and Nursalam, - and Erna Dwi Wahyuni, - and RATRI ISMIWIRANTI, - (2020) PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION MODEL USING HYPNOSIS APPROACH FOR PATIENTS BEFORE GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (6). pp. 1016-1021. ISSN 09758453, 09762779
Tintin Sukartini, - and Nursalam, - and Erna Dwi Wahyuni, - and Ratri Ismiwiranti, - (2020) Psychological Preparation Model Using Hypnosis Approach For Patients Before Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Sys Rev Pharm, 11 (6). pp. 1016-1021. ISSN 0975-8453, 0976-2779
Tintin Sukartini, - and Putri Mulyasari, - and Erna Dwi Wahyuni, - and - (2020) The Relationship of Family Support and Patients’ Knowledge with The Treatment Adherence of Hypertension Patients. Sys Rev Pharm, 11 (6). pp. 1108-1110. ISSN 09758453, 09762779
Tintin Sukartini, - and Putri Mulyasari, - and ERNA DWI WAHYUNI, - and - (2020) The Relationship of Family Support and Patients’ Knowledge with The Treatment Adherence of Hypertension Patients. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (6). pp. 1108-1110. ISSN 09758453, 09762779
Masunatul Ubudiyah, - and Nursalam, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and - (2020) Social Support and Individual Support for Bullying Prevention among Adolescents in the School: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (9). pp. 830-836. ISSN 1475-7192
Bayu Febriandhika Hidayat, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Tiyas Kusumaningrum, - and - (2020) A Systematic Review of Fatigue in Type 2 Diabetes. Jurnal Ners, 15 (2). pp. 513-517. ISSN 1858-3598 , 2502-5791
Tintin Sukartini, - and Yulia Indah Permatasari, - and - and - and - and - (2020) WOMEN WITH BREAST CANCER LIVING WITH ONE BREAST AFTER A MASTECTOMY. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 12 (2). pp. 366-375. ISSN 23363517
Tintin Sukartini, - and Xathleen Elvina Hasibuan, - and Abu Bakar, - and - (2020) The effect of health education by giving leaflets media on behavior changes in prevention of asthma relapse in asthma patients. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1699-1702. ISSN 13079867
Tintin Sukartini, - and Latifatul Muna, - and Andri Setiya Wahyudi, - and - (2020) The influence of buteyko respiratory technique on the decreased degree of shodness in asthma patients in pulmonary poly. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences Eurasia J Biosci, 14. pp. 2489-2494. ISSN 13079867
Tintin Sukartini, - and Ahmad Eko Wibowo, - and Abu Bakar, - (2020) The relationship of nurse characteristics with prevention behavior and control of pulmonary tuberculosis infection. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (2). pp. 2663-2668. ISSN 13079867
Tria Anisa Firmanti, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Ilya Krisnana, - and - (2020) A review on reducing the incidence of postoperative ileus by chewing gum, consuming coffee or warm water post abdominal surgery. Jurnal Medisin /Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 18 (1). pp. 24-34. ISSN 16937309, 26212366
Tintin Sukartini, - and THEODEHILD M. THERESIA DEE, - and RIRIN PROBOWATI, - and HIDAYAT ARIFIN, - and UNSPECIFIED and UNSPECIFIED and UNSPECIFIED and - (2019) Behaviour model for diabetic ulcer prevention. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 19 (-). pp. 135-143. ISSN 22516581
Nuh Huda, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Nadya Wahyu Pratiwi, - and - (2019) The Impact of Self Efficacy on the Foot Care Behavior of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Indonesia. Jurnal Ners, 14 (2). pp. 181-186. ISSN 1858-3598 , 2502-5791
Tintin Sukartini, - (2019) SK DEKAN NO.3471 /UN3.1.13/2019 Pengangkatan Promotor dan Ko-Promotor Program Studi Doktor Keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga Angkatan Tahun 2018/2019. Dekan Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga.
Hery Sasongko, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Erna Dwi Wahyuni, - and Made Mahaguna Putra, - (2019) The Effects of Combination of Range Motion and Deep Breathing Exercise on Pain in Post-Orthopedic Surgery Patients. Indonesian Journal of Medicine, 4 (1). pp. 46-53. ISSN 25490265 , 25490265
IRMAWAN ANDRI NUGROHO, 131414153028 and Tintin Sukartini, - and SRIYONO, - and - (2018) Low Impact Aerobic Exercise Dapat Menurunkan Keluhan Gejala Pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik. Proceeding of The 7th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang MIPA dan Kesehatan. pp. 329-335. ISSN 2407-9189
Tintin Sukartini, - (2022) SK Dekan No.107/UN3.1.13/2022 Penguji Disertasi Tertutup (Promosi Doktor) Program Studi Doktor Keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan Atas Nama "Agusta Dian Ellina, S.Kep.Ns., M.Kep. Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga.
Tintin Sukartini, - (2022) SK Dekan No.98/UN3.1.13/2022 Penguji Ujian Disertasi Tertutup (Promosi Doktor) Program Studi Doktor Keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan Atas Nama "Nuh Huda, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB. Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga. (Submitted)