Items where Author is "Sulistiawati, -"
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Dwi Wahyuning Asih, - and Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo, - and Rebekah Juniati Setiabudi, - and Sulistiawati, - and Wiwiek Tyasningsih, - and Manik Retno Wahyunitisari, - (2023) Biofilm Formation By The Interaction Of Fungi (Candida Tropicalis) With Various Bacteria. Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics, 6 (1). pp. 84-93. ISSN 2616-4760

Sulistiawati, - and Miranda Jemyma Mas'ulun, Miranda and ANGGITA KANZA RAMADHANY, - and AFIEL NADHIFA HANAFIE, NIM011611133221 and Rani Fitri Alfiani, - and Sarah Evita Husnah, - and AGNES ILENE SUPRAPTO PUTERI, NIM011611133228 and ANISA NOVIA MAHESTARI, NIM011611133230 (2023) Effectiveness of the Aedes aegypti Vector Control Program in Southeast Asia – A Systematic Review. Pharmacognosy Journal, 15 (5). pp. 969-975. ISSN 0975-3575

Sulistiawati, - and BILQIS INAYATILLAH, 081211432037 (2023) Enhancing Knowledge on Prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Training of Trainers (TOT) Approaches during the Pandemic Period at Dupak Health Center, Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 14 (2). pp. 338-344. ISSN 0976-0245

Lilik Djuari, Lilik and Linda Dewanti, - and Sulistiawati, - and Natasya Nurvita, - and Farhan Nurdiansyah, - and Subur Prajitno, - (2023) Improvement of Cadre' Skills and Knowledge to Provide Comprehensive Health Services for The Elderly. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 59 (2). pp. 173-179. ISSN 2355-8393, eISSN: 2599-056x

Muhammad Rifqo Hafidzudin Farid, - and MUHAMMAD FARID DIMJATI LUSNO, 101143012 and Margarita Maria Maramis, Margarita and Sulistiawati, - and Budi Utomo, Budi and ABDUL FATTAH, 099510015L (2023) Knowledge and Attitude Relationship with 3M Plus Mosquito nest Eradication Actions in Surabaya: Literature Review. Medical and Health Science Journal, 7 (1). pp. 10-19. ISSN 2549-7588. eISSN 2549-7596

Choirunisa Giska, Adelia and Sulistiawati, - (2023) Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Menikah Dini pada Remaja Putri. Oksitosin: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan, 10 (1). pp. 42-53. ISSN 2354-9653 . eISSN 2597-6524

Lucky Prasetiowati, - and Sulistiawati, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, Widati and Eighty Mardiyan Kurniawati, - and Hanna Dyahferi Anomsari, - and Rimbun, - (2023) Peningkatan Peran Ibu dan Kader dalam 1000 hari pertama Kehidupan sebagai Upaya Pencegahan dan Deteksi Dini Stunting di Puskesmas Morokrembangan Surabaya. Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat, 7 (2). pp. 252-263. ISSN 2580-8680, e-ISSN 2722-239X

Nadira Putri, Nastiti and Laksmi Wulandari, - and Sulistiawati, - and Anna Febriani, - and Wiwin Is, Effendi (2023) Prevalence of Lung Cancer with a History of Tuberculosis. Prevalence of Lung Cancer with a History of Tuberculosis, 9 (2). pp. 87-92. ISSN 2407-0831, eISSN: 2621-8372

Asmahan Farah Adiba, - and Subijanto Marto Sudarmo, - and Sulistiawati, - and Alpha Fardah Athiyah, - (2022) Acute Diarrhea Patients among Children Under Five Hospitalized in a Tertiary Hospital in East Java, Indonesia. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 58 (1). pp. 33-38. ISSN 2355-9453

Galuh Senjani, Yulfani Putri and Sulistiawati, - and Muhammad Ardian Cahya Laksana, - (2022) Analisis faktor-faktor risiko anemia pada ibu hamil di kabupaten Gresik tahun 2021. Jurnal Riset Kebidanan Indonesia, 6 (2). pp. 119-129. ISSN 2615-5621

Jovian Philip Swatan, - and Firas Farisi Alkaff, - and William Putera Sukmajaya, William and Sulistiawati, - and Azimatul Karimah, - (2022) Are Indonesian New Pictorial Health Warnings More Effective Than The Old Ones? International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 11 (3). pp. 975-981. ISSN 2252-8806

Hawa Nur Salsabila, - and Sulistiawati, - and Ratna Dwi Jayanti, - (2022) Correlation between Antenatal Care and Anxiety in Primigravida Pregnant Women at Glagah Community Health Center. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 7 (1). pp. 110-116. ISSN 2549-1172

Agnes Amalia, - and Sulistiawati, - and Azimatul Karimah, - (2022) The Differences of Depression Level and Risk of Suicide in Medical Students in Surabaya. Jurnal Psikiatri Surabaya, 11 (1). pp. 113-119. ISSN 2716-358X

Bendix Samarta Witarto, - and Visuddho Visuddho, Visuddho and Teddy Yusuf, - and Rizqi Apsari Fairuz Kamila, - and Ghifar Akbar Iftinan, - and Clonia Milla, - and Salma Firdaus, - and Muhammad Wildan Nabalah Hartawan, - and Aisha Fairuz Zahira, - and Lintang Cahyaning Ratri, - and Amara Destania Armyne, - and Sulistiawati, - and Rimbun, - (2022) The Effect Of Interactive Online Learning On Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice Related To Diabetes Mellitus Of Productive-Age Population. Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia (JKKI), 13 (2). pp. 113-124. ISSN 2085-4145

Muhammad Fauzi Antoni, - and Purwo Sri Rejeki, - and Sulistiawati, - and Adi Pranoto, - and Kristanti Wanito Wigati, - and Gadis Meinar Sari, - and Ronny Lesmana, - and Yoshio Yamaoka, - (2022) Effect of Nocturnal and Diurnal Moderate-intensity Swimming Exercise on Increasing Irisin Level of Female Mice (Mus musculus). Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences, 21 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1685-1994

Manika Putri Kunigara, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Sulistiawati, - (2022) Implementation Of Prevention Program For Hepatitis B Transmission From Mother To Child In Public Health Center Of Surabaya. The Indonesian Journal of Public Health, 17 (1). pp. 82-94. ISSN 1829-7005

Rizki Amalia Sari, NIM011411223036 and Sulistiawati, - and Ernawati, - (2022) Maternal And Perinatal Outcomes Of Pre-Referral Magnesium Sulfate Treatment In Severe Preeclampsia Patients. Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi, 30 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 0854-0381

SUHARTONO, 031414153060 and Sulistiawati, - and Esty Yunitasari, - (2022) Performance Study Of Nurse Using Cultural Organization Approach. NurseLine Journal, 1 (1). pp. 36-43. ISSN 2540-7937

Sri Astutik Andayani, - and Margarita Maria Maramis, - and Sulistiawati, - and Budi Utomo, - (2022) A Spiritual Biopsychosocial Model On Muslim Adolescents' Premarital Sexual Behaviors Through Sexual Perceptions. Teikyo Medical Journal, 45 (1). pp. 4063-4071. ISSN 0387-5547

Tutfah Rzzak Fitriari, - and Ahmad Suryawan, - and Sulistiawati, - (2021) Pengaruh Status Gizi Terhadap Motorik Kasar Anak Usia Pra-Sekolah. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 5 (4). pp. 417-423. ISSN 2656-7806

Elvira Esmeralda Poerwosusanta, - and IGB Adria Hariastawa, - and Ariandi Setiawan, - and Sulistiawati, - and Agung Ary Wibowo, - (2021) Correlation Between The Initial-Surgery Age With The Hirschsprung's Disease Patient Stooling Patterns In Ulin Hospital, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantam, Indonesia In 2012-2015. Majalah Biomorfologi, 31 (2). pp. 66-69. ISSN 2716-0920

Alisiya, - and Sulistiawati, - and Patricia Maria Kurniawati, - and Rr. Indrayuni Lukitra Wardhani, - (2021) Risk Factors Of Body Mass Index (BMI), Age Of Menarche, Parity And Hormonal Contraception Of Genu Osteoarthritis In Female Patients. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 57 (2). pp. 104-110. ISSN 2599-056X

Anindita Rehana, - and Rebekah Juniati Setiabudi, - and Sulistiawati, - and Manik Retno Wahyunitisari, - (2021) Implementation of Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation in Under Five Years Old Diarrhea Patients at Surabaya Primary Health Center. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (JIKA), 3 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2686-2883

Nadhilah Putri Ghaisani, - and Sulistiawati, - and Maria Inge Lusida, - (2021) Correlation Between Climate Factors With Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Cases In Surabaya 2007-2017. Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, 9 (1). pp. 39-44. ISSN 2356-0991

Faridatul Ummi, - and Jimmy Yanuar Annas, - and Sulistiawati, - (2021) Perbedaan Persepsi Bidan dalam Merawat Pasien Post Sectio Caesaria Dengan HIV. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 5 (1). pp. 18-28. ISSN 2656-7806

Deni Purwani, - and Sulistiawati, - and Bambang Purwanto, - (2021) Lower Level of Interleukin-6 and Hepcidin Found in Lower Density of Physical Exercise among Athlete During Pandemic of Covid-19. Folia Medica Indonesianan, 57 (2). pp. 143-146. ISSN 2355-8393

Jihanifa Hega Salsabiila, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - and Sulistiawati, - (2021) MATERNAL EDUCATIONAL STATUS AS ONE OF THE RISK FACTORS AFFECTING THE INCIDENCE OF INFANTS WITH LOW BIRTH WEIGHT IN DR. M. SOEWANDHIE GENERAL HOSPITAL SURABAYA. JUXTA: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, 12 (1). pp. 10-13. ISSN 2684-9453

Faiza Rahma Ebnudesita, - and Sulistiawati, - and R. Heru Prasetyo, - (2021) Pengetahuan Abatisasi dengan Perilaku Penggunaan Abate. Higeia: Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 5 (1). pp. 72-83. ISSN 2541-5603

Dhea Hesty Purwaningrum, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Sulistiawati, - (2021) RELATIONSHIP OF FEMALE AGE AND SPERM QUALITY WITH THE SUCCESSFUL OF IUI LITERATURE REVIEW. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 5 (3). pp. 232-241. ISSN 2656-7806

Lavenia Kurniawati, - and Indrayuni Lukitra Wardani, - and Nur Rochmah, - and Sulistiawati, - (2021) The Relationship Between Beighton Score and Walking Age in Children. Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association (JInMA), 71 (1). pp. 5-10. ISSN 26543796

Jongky Hendro Prajitno, - and Sulistiawati, - and Kahexa Firman, - and Jefferson Caessario, - and Nihal Sofyan, - and Bagus Ari, - and Anak Agung Putri, - and Alfi Nureta, - and Aulia Rafikasari, - and Liofelita Christi, - and Hamzah Farouq, - (2021) The proper use of face mask during COVID-19 pandemic in urban community. Gaceta Medica de Caracas, 129 (2S). pp. 299-304. ISSN 0367-4762

Septiana Choerul Anam, - and Sulistiawati, - and Bambang Purwanto, - (2020) Acute Response Moderate Intensity Treadmill Training On Decrease Malondialdehyde In Obesity Women. STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 9 (2). pp. 358-367. ISSN 2614-350X

Muhammad El Kautsar, - and Nilam Anggraeni, - and Vivi Permata Sari, - and Ribka B. A. Mboe, - and Anindya Widyasari, - and Zahwa Afdhilani Azwan, - and Athiyah Amatillah, - and Priscillia Ivana Jie, - and Sulistiawati, - and R Bambang, - (2020) The Clean And Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors And Healthy Housing Influenced The Incident Of Acute Respiratory Infection In Childhood. EurAsian Journal of Biosciences, 14 (2). pp. 4837-4842. ISSN 1307-9867

Ardila Lailatul Barik, - and Retno Indarwati, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) The Effectiveness Of Using Text Messages Reminder On Adherence With Tuberculosis Patients: A Systematic Review. STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 9 (2). pp. 751-760. ISSN 2614-350X

Julia Elviethasari, - and Budi Santoso, - and Budiono, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Knowledge of General Practitioners about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome at the Primary Health Care in Surabaya, Indonesia. Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association, 70 (8). pp. 144-150. ISSN 2654-3796

Ardila Lailatul Barik, - and Retno Indarwati, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) The Role Of Social Support On Treatment Adherence In TB Patients: A Systematic Review. Nurse And Health: Jurnal Keperawatan, 9 (2). pp. 201-210. ISSN 2623-2448

Fernanda Irfatul Laily, - and Lynda Rossyanti, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) The Effect of DHF Education on DHF Prevention Knowledge of 5th and 6th Grade Students of SDN Purwotengah II Mojokerto. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga (JUXTA), 11 (2). pp. 51-55. ISSN 2684-9453

Raesita Aliefa Sekardira, - and Sulistiawati, - and Risa Etika, - (2020) Classification of Neonatal Mortality Risk Factors. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 11 (6). pp. 1439-1445. ISSN 0976-5506

Sulistiawati, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Adikara Pagan Pratama, - and Atika, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Djohar Nuswantoro, - and Tan Nicko Octora, - and Dyah Ayu Pradnyaparamitha, - and Fahmi Aulia Rizqi, - (2020) Profile and Lifestyle of Hypertensive Patients, Cardiovascular Comorbidity , and Complications in a Primary Health Center in Surabaya, Indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 8 (E). pp. 219-223. ISSN 1857-9655

Firas Farisi Alkaff, - and Sovia Salamah, - and Adila Taufik Syamlan, - and William Putera Sukmajaya, - and Ricardo Adrian Nugraha, - and Michael Jonatan, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Standard precaution adherence among clinical medical students in HIV and non-HIV ward in Indonesia. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 9 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2277-9531

Ucik Nurul Hidayati, - and Agus Sulistyono, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Puasa Selama Kebuntingan Terhadap Jumlah Sel Neuron Cereberum dan Cerebellum Rattus norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma, 9 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2580-5967

Lupita Ghilang Laraz, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Andriati, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) The Correlation between Human Posture and Musculoskeletal Disorder of Upper Extremities among Computer Workers at Indonesian Stated Owned Enterprises in Surabaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga (JUXTA), 11 (1). pp. 28-31. ISSN 2684-9453

Firas Farisi Alkaff, - and Adila Taufik Syamlan, - and Presstisa Gifta Axelia, - and Jovian Philip Swatan, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) HIV Stigma among Clinical Medical Students in East Java, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 11 (1). pp. 1113-1118. ISSN 0976-5506

Septiana Choerul Anam, - and Sulistiawati, - and Bambang Purwanto, - (2020) Acute Response Moderate Intensity Treadmill Training On Decrease Malondialdehyde In Obesity Women. STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 9 (2). pp. 358-367. ISSN 2252-3847

Sulistiawati, - and SUHARTO, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Abyan Irzaldi, - and Adikara Pagan Pratama, - (2020) Analysis of Dengue Infection Severity among Ethnics in Surabaya, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 11 (6). pp. 1510-1516. ISSN 0976-5506

Dimas Cahyo Wibowo, - and Della Wahyu Fitriani, - and Ananda Febina Kimresti Armaneeyuda, - and Alfan Ahkami, NIM011411133057 and Isna Sandria Nastiti, NIM011411131035 and Syarifah Dwi Auliani, NIM011411131011 and Siti Ermawati, NIM011411131059 and Sabrina Rizki Andriani, NIM011411133047 and Sulistiawati, - and Priyo Raharjo, - (2020) Description Of Gadget Addiction, Sleep Quality, And Students Learning Achievement At Sd Negeri 1 Sidodadi Lawang In 2019. Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research, 1 (2). pp. 358-367. ISSN 2252-3847

Jovian Philip Swatan, - and Sulistiawati, - and Azimatul Karimah, - (2020) Determinants of Tobacco Smoking Addiction in Rural Indonesian Communities. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2020. pp. 1-5. ISSN 16879805

Jovian Philip Swatan, - and Sulistiawati, - and Azimatul Karimah, - (2020) Determinants of Tobacco Smoking Addiction in Rural Indonesian Communities. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2020 (765436). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1687-9805

Lukman Hakim, - and Wildan Anugrah Erlangga, NIM011111175 and PANDU SATRIYA ADI, NIM011411133053 and Fitri Nurina Septiana, NIM011311133248 and Emilia Eka Arianti, - and Prafidina Qualisa, NIM011411131134 and Ariikah Dyah Lamara, NIM011411133064 and Estya Nadya Meitavany, NIM011411131143 and Niswah Silmi Fatimah, NIM011411133033) and Ulinnuha Qurrota A’yunin, NIM011411131151 and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Elderly Screening In Songgon Banyuwangi 2019. Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research, 1 (1). pp. 42-52. ISSN 2723-035X

Agusta Reny Soekoyo, - and Sulistiawati, - and Wahyu Setyorini, - and Kuntaman, - (2020) The Epidemiological Pattern and Risk Factor of ESBL (Extended Spectrum B-Lactamase) Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Gut Bacterial Flora of Dairy Cows and People Surrounding in Rural Area, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, 8 (3). pp. 144-151. ISSN 2356-0991

Ilya Krisnana, - and Ni Made Widiani, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Prenatal and postnatal factors related to the incidence of stunting in the coastal area Surabaya, Indonesia. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 49 (3). pp. 223-229. ISSN 2386-110X

Ucik Nurul Hidayati, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Agus Sulistyono, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Puasa Selama Kebuntingan terhadap Jumlah Sel Neuron Cereberum dan Cerebellum Rattus norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma, 9 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1978-2071

Ucik Nurul Hidayati, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Agus Sulistyono, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Puasa Selama Kebuntingan terhadap Jumlah Sel Neuron Cereberum dan Cerebellum Rattus norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma, 9 (1). ISSN 1978-2071, 2580-5967

Ucik Nurul Hidayati, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Agus Sulistyono, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Puasa Selama Kebuntingan terhadap Jumlah Sel Neuron Cereberum dan Cerebellum Rattus norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma, 9 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2580-5967

Jovian Philip Swatan, - and Febriyani Aulia Dini, - and Dimas Cahyo Wibowo, - and Felicia Jiwantoro, - and Priscillia Ivana Jie, - and Dewi Rosita Hendriana, - and Afina Thara Pitaloka, - and Nur Indah Prasetyowati, - and Ananda Febina Kimresti Armaneeyuda, - and Sulistiawati, - and Linda Dewanti, - (2020) Risk Factors Of Hypertension In Rural Indonesia: A Crosssectional Study From A Rural Village In Indonesia. EurAsian Journal of Biosciences, 14 (2). pp. 4837-4842. ISSN 1307-9867

Firas Farisi Alkaff, - and Sovia Salamah, - and Adila Taufik Syamlan, - and William Putera Sukmajaya, - and Ricardo Adrian Nugraha, - and Michael Jonatan, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Standard Precaution Adherence Among Clinical Medical Students In HIV And Non-HIV Ward In Indonesia. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 9 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2277-9531

Nanda Fadhilah Witris Salamy, - and Gadis Meinar Sari, - and Bambang Purwanto, - and Sulistiawati, - (2019) Correlation Of Mothers With History Of Diabetes Mellitus And Infants With Anti-Gad65. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 55 (4). pp. 301-305. ISSN 2599-056X

Nanda Fadhilah Witris Salamy, - and Gadis Meinar Sari, - and Bambang Purwanto, - and Sulistiawati, - (2019) Correlation Of Mothers With History Of Diabetes Mellitus And Infants With Anti-Gad65. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 55 (4). pp. 301-305. ISSN 2599-056X

Bulqis Inas Sakinah, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Sulistiawati, - (2019) Faktor Risiko Kelahiran Prematur di RSUD Dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya pada Tahun 2017. Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association, 69 (12). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2654-3796

Bulqis Inas Sakinah, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Sulistiawati, - (2019) Faktor Risiko Kelahiran Prematur di RSUD Dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya pada Tahun 2017. Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association — Majalah Kedokteran Indnesia, 69 (12). pp. 344-348. ISSN 2654-3796

Siti Riskika, - and Sulistiawati, - and Eka Mishbahatul, - (2019) Relationship Between Length Of Stay And Total Student With Scabies In Islamic Boarding School In Bondowoso. International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJHNS), 2 (4). pp. 266-272. ISSN 2654-6310

Vira Dwi Nisrina, - and Sundari Indah Wiyasihati, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Sulistiawati, - (2019) The Relationship between Early Initiation of Breastfeeding and Exclusive Breastfeeding in the Work Area of Wiyung Public Health Center, Surabaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga (JUXTA), 10 (2). pp. 48-51. ISSN 2684-9453

Any Zahrotu Widniah, - and Sulistiawati, - and Retno Indarwati, - (2019) Analisis Factor Infestasi Pediculus Humanus Capitis pada Santriwati Pondok Pesantren Martapura Theory Planned Behavior. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan, 10 (3). pp. 247-252. ISSN 2502-7778

Asma' Athifah, - and Siti Nurul Hidayati, - and Sulistiawati, - (2019) Correlative Study Between NutritionalStatus and Remission Outcome in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. BIOMOLECULAR AND HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNAL, 2 (1). pp. 27-30. ISSN 2620-8636

Winni Aprillia Putri, - and Abu Rohiman, - and Sulistiawati, - and Dwiyanti Puspitasari, - (2019) Effects of Climatic Factors on The Incidence Rate of Dengue Virus Infection in Surabaya During 2010-1013. BIOMOLECULAR AND HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNAL, 2 (1). pp. 36-40. ISSN 2620-8636

Anindita Abigail Faradina, - and Sulistiawati, - and Erwin Astha Triyono, - (2019) Comparison of Increased Knowledge and Existence of Larvae between Before and After Education in Primary School Guards in Mojokerto City. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga (JUXTA), 10 (1). pp. 11-14. ISSN 2684-9453

ANY ZAHROTUL WIDNIAH, 131714153005 and Sulistiawati, - and Retno Indarwati, - (2019) Analisis Faktor Infestasi Pediculus Humanus Capitis pada Santriwati Pondok Pesantren Martapura Theory Planned Behavior. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara Forikes, 10 (3). pp. 247-252. ISSN 2086-3098

Anindita Abigail, - and Sulistiawati, - and Erwin Astha Triyono, - (2019) Comparison of Increased Knowledge and Existence of Larvae Between Before and After Education in Primary School Guards In Mojokerto City. JUXTA: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, 10 (1). pp. 11-14. ISSN 1907-3623

Dian Neni Naelasari, - and Eko Budi Koendhori, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Sulistiawati, - and Rosantia Sarassari, - and Kuntaman, - (2018) The Prevalence Of Extended Spectrum-Lactamase (Esbl) Producing Gut Bacterial Flora Among Patients In Dr. Soetomo Hospital And Primary Health Center In Surabaya. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 54 (4). pp. 256-262. ISSN 2355-8393

Dian Nirmala Aprilia, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Sulistiawati, - (2018) Correlation Between Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women Based on Upper Arm Circumference and Preeclampsia/Eclampsia Severity Degree at Jagir Public Health Center During January 2014 – March 2014. BIOMOLECULAR AND HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1 (2). pp. 120-123. ISSN 2620-8636

Khairul Bariyah, - and Budi Utomo, - and Sulistiawati, - and Fathmawati, - and Supriyanto, - and Selviana, - and Heny Arwati, - (2018) Different Types of Anopheles Breeding Place in Low and High Malaria Case Areas. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 14 (2). pp. 178-185. ISSN 2355-3596

Leni Agustin, - and Kusnanto, - and Sulistiawati, - (2017) Training Komunikasi Interpersonal Dengan Model Of Structural Reflection (MSR) Terhadap Persepsi Keluarga Klien Tentang Empati Di Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU). Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara Forikes, 8 (4). pp. 166-171. ISSN 2502-7778

Anita Nurbayatin, - and Widjiati, - and Relly Yanuari Primariawan, - and Bambang Poernomo, - and Sulistiawati, - and Rina Yudiwati, - (2017) Radiation Effect Of Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) On Oocyte Number Of Oocyte Stimulation in Mice (Mus Musculus). Folia Medica Indonesiana, 53 (3). pp. 169-172. ISSN Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga

Miftha Hurrahmi, - and Eighty Mardiyan Kurniawati, - and Azami Denas Azinar, - and Sulistiawati, - (2017) Profile Of Sexual Function Using Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) In Postmenopausal Women In Geriatric Clinic, Dr Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi, 25 (2). pp. 54-58. ISSN 2598-1013

Nadia Rohmatul Laili, - and Sulistiawati, - and Ika Yuni Widyawati, - (2017) Nurse Behavior In Implementation Of Diabetes Mellitus Education Based On Theory Of Planned Behavior. Jurnal Ners, 12 (1). pp. 19-26. ISSN 2502-5791

Suhartono, - and Sulistiawati, - and Esty Yunitasari, - (2016) Performance Model of Nurse Community Approach to Organizational Culture in Indonesia. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 5 (3). pp. 240-246. ISSN 2252-8806

Atik Swandari, - and Bambang Purwanto, - and Sulistiawati, - (2016) Pengaruh Senam Tai Chi Terhadap Peningkatan Keseimbangan Dinamis Pada Lanjut Usia. JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH, 1 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2597-7539

Anita Nurbayatin, - and Sulistiawati, - and Sunjoto, - and Dwiyanti Puspitasari, - (2015) Faktor Resiko yang Berpengaruh pada Periode Kehamilan, Persalinan dan Bayi Baru Lahir dengan Autisme. Berkala Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kebidanan Indonesia (BIMABI), 3 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2338-6460

Tukatman, - and Sulistiawati, - and Purwaningsih, - and Nursalam, - (2015) Analysis of Nurse’s Occupational Health in managing Patients in Benyamin Guluh Hospital Kolaka Regency. Jurnal Ners, 10 (2). pp. 343-347. ISSN 2502-5791

Dian Nirmala Aprilia, - and Budi Prasetyo, Budi and Sulistiawati, - Correlation Between Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women Based on Upper Arm Circumference and Preeclampsia/Eclampsia Severity Degree at Jagir Public Health Center During January 2014 – March 2014. Biomolecular and Health Science Journal, 1 (2). pp. 120-123. ISSN 2231- 3354

Muhamad Fauzi Antoni, Muhamad and Purwo Sri Rejeki, - and Sulistiawati, - and Adi Pranoto, - and Kristanti Wanito Wigati, - and Gadis Meinar Sari, - and Ronny Lesmana, - and Yoshio Yamaoka, - Effect of Nocturnal and Diurnal Moderate-intensity Swimming Exercise on Increasing Irisin Level of Female Mice (Mus musculus). Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences, 21 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2465-4337


Vira Dwi Nisrina, - and Sundari Indah Wiyasihati, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, Widati and Sulistiawati, - The Relationship between Early Initiation of Breastfeeding and Exclusive Breastfeeding in the Work Area of Wiyung Public Health Center, Surabaya. JUXTA : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, 10 (2). pp. 47-50. ISSN 2684-9453

Lilik Djuari, Lilik and Linda Dewanti, - and Sulistiawati, - and Arya Ivan Mahendra, - and Ahmad Cholifa Fahruddin, - Skill Improvement for Public Health Center Staffs in the Management of Toxic and Hazardous Materials. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 58 (1). pp. 21-27. ISSN 2355-8393

Linda Dewanti, - and Lilik Djuari, Lilik and Sulistiawati, - and Arya Ivan Mahendra, - and Ahmad Cholifa Fahruddin, - TOT Pemberdayaan Kesehatan dan Ketahanan Keluarga Terkait Covid-19. MATAPPA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5 (1). ISSN 2615-5273

Book Section

Amrina Rosyada, - and Sulistiawati, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Jusak Nugraha, - (2017) Comparison Of Blood Group Based On Bleeding Manifestation In Pediatric- Dengue Cases. In: Proceeding of the ICHS 2017 Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Health Sciences. Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, pp. 1-5. ISBN


IKA ZULKAFIKA MAHMUDAH, 131511133008 and Linda Dewanti, - and Arief Hargono, - and Christrijogo Sumartono Waloejo, - and Sulistiawati, - and HARIYONO, 070710022 (2023) Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Dan Pertolongan Pertama Pada Gawat Darurat (PPGD) Warga Kampung Nelayan Kedung Cowek. Universitas Airlangga.

Lilik Djuari, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Sulistiawati, - (2022) Buku Saku Training Of Trainer (TOT) Peningkatan Skill Staff Puskesmas dalam Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Medis Dalam Rangka Era Pandemi COVID 19. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa pada kegiatan "Acyclovir's Webinar On Addressing Rumors About Vaccine (CYSTEINE)" oleh BEM KM FK UNAIR yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 22 Mei 2021 secara online. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa pada kegiatan "Pelatihan Karya Tulis" oleh Departemen Pendidikan dan Profesi BEM KM FK UNAIR yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 03 Desember 2021 secara online. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa pada kegiatan "Pendelegasian Medical Online Competition (MOC)" oleh Dept. Pendpro BEM KM FK UNAIR yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 18 Oktober - 21 November 2020 secara online. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa pada kegiatan "Pendelegasian Medical Veteran Competition (MVC)" oleh Dept. Pendidikan dan Profesi BEM KM FK UNAIR yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 6 Desember 2020 secara online. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa pada kegiatan "Pendelegasian NCMSC 2021" oleh Departemen Seni dan Olahraga BEM KM FK UNAIR yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 25 November 2021 di Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa pada kegiatan "The Future of Health Workers Synergy" oleh Departemen Hubungan Eksternal BEM KM FK UNAIR yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 14 Desember 2021 secara online. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa pada kegiatan "Upgrading Leadership in Disruption Era" oleh Badan Pengurus Harian BEM KM FK UNAIR yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 19 Juni 2021 secara online. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Membimbing Thesis Mahasiswa S2 Fakultas Kedokteran dan Fakultas Keperawatan Unair. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Membina Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan di Bidang Akademik sebagai Dosen Perwalian. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Menguji Ujian Tertutup Mahasiswa S3 FK Unair. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Menguji Ujian Tertutup Mahasiswa S3 FK Unair. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Menguji Ujian Tertutup Mahasiswa S3 FK Unair. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Lucky Prasetiowati, - and Irwanto, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Dewi Ratna Sari, - (2022) Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Stunting di Daerah Binaan Puskesmas Mojo dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan dan Pembinaan Mulai 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Linda Dewanti, - and Kuntaman, - and Sulistiawati, - and Atika, - (2022) Penelitian dengan judul "Faktor Resiko yang Berhubungan dengan Penyakit Tuberkolosis: Cohort Study Penderita Tuberkolosis dan Kontak Serumah". Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Linda Dewanti, - and Sulistiawati, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Atika, - (2022) Penelitian dengan judul "Hubuangan antara Lifestyle dan Layanan Kesehatan Primer dengan Profil Diebetes Mellitus Tipe 2 (Sebagai Salah Satu Catastrophic Disease yang Prominen)". Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Djohar Nuswantoro, - and Atika, - (2022) Penelitian dengan judul "Hubungan antara Lifestyle dan Layanan Kesehatan Primer dengan Profil Hipertensi (Sebagai Salah Satu Catastrophic Disease yang Prominen)". Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Linda Dewanti, - and Sulistiawati, - and Kuntaman, - and Usman Hadi, - (2022) Penelitian dengan judul "Survey Penggunaan Antibiotik dan Mikroba Resisten di Puskesmas X". Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - (2022) Pengangkatan Promotor dan Ko-Promotor Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Tahun 2020. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - and Siti Pariani, - and Linda Dewanti, - (2022) Pengmas dengan judul "Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan Sosialisasi Pencegahan Demam Berdarah Dengue pada Perhimpunan Kelompok Masyarakat Keturunan Cina Di Surabaya". Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.


Sulistiawati, - (2022) Surat Keterangan Dekan. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Djohar Nuswantoro, - (2022) Training of Trainer (TOT) Pada Pekerja Sosial di Wilayah Dinas Sosial Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Sultan Mansyur Syah, Pulau Dompak) yang membina ODHA (Orang dengan HIV AIDS). Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - and Andis Putri, Nawangasri and Anindita Rehana, - and Aulia Nur Fadila, NIM011611133158 and Dian Awaliasari, - and Fariz Augusta Devrizal, - and Muhammad Daffa, - and Nadhifa Tanesha Aufazhafarin, - (2022) Video Edukasi Pencegahan Demam Berdarah Dengue II. Universitas Airlangga.

Linda Dewanti, - and Lilik Djuari, - and Sulistiawati, - (2021) Buku Panduan COVID-19 Bagi Kader Kesehatan & Masyarakat Sebagai Upaya Bersama Mencapai Goal SDG's (Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera; Pertumbuhan Ekonomi). Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Ardila Lailatul Barik, - and Sulistiawati, - and Retno Indarwati, - and Esti Yunitasari, - and Atika, - and Eka Mishbahatul M. Has., - and Makhfudli, - (2020) Panduan Penggunaan Aplikasi SI TUBER (Sistem Informasi Dan Reminder Tuberculosis). Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Ika Endah Kurniasih, - and Soedarsono, - and Laily Hidayati, - and Kusnanto, - and Sulistiawati, - and Mahkfudli, - (2019) Health Education Audiovisual Berbasis Health Belief Model (HBM) Terhadap Pasien Perilaku Kepatuhan Pasien Tuberkulosis. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Djohar Nuswantoro, - (2019) Pelatihan Pencegahan Demam Berdarah Dengue/Demam Dengue Untuk Masyarakat Awam. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Anita Dewi Anggraini, - and Soedarsono, - and Laily Hidayati, - and Kusnanto, - and Sulistiawati, - and Mahkfudli, - (2019) Psikoedukasi Audiovisual Berbasis Implementation Intention Terhadap Niat dan Perilaku Kepatuhan Pasien Tuberkulosis. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Djohar Nuswantoro, - (2019) Training Of Trainer Pendampingan ODHA. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Linda Dewanti, - and Sulistiawati, - and Djohar Nuswantoro, - (2019) Training Of Trainer Penyakit Menular Pada Petugas Sosial. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Anita Dewi Anggraini, - and Soedarsono, - and Laily Hidayati, - and Kusnanto, - and Sulistiawati, - and Mahkfudli, - (2019) Video Audiovisual Psikoedukasi Berbasis Implementation Intention. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Sulistiawati, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Djohar Nuswantoro, - (2019) Video Training Of Trainer Pendampingan ODHA. Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

Ika Endah Kurniasih, - and Soedarsono, - and Laily Hidayati, - and Kusnanto, - and Sulistiawati, - and Mahkfudli, - (2019) Visitasi HBM (Audiovisual Edukasi Tuberkulosis Berbasis Health Belief Model). Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, Surabaya.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 17:41:52 2025 WIB.