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ALVIANO SATRIA WIBAWA, NIM011611133206 and Hermina Novida, - and Muhammad Faizi, - and Deasy Ardiany, - (2020) Risk Factor Related to Mortality of Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patients in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, 11 (1). pp. 36-40. ISSN 2684-9453
Andrianto, - and Revi Adheriyani, - (2020) Anomali Ebstein. In: Penyakit Jantung Struktural. Departemen Penyakit Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular FK UNAIR, Surabaya, pp. 255-265. ISBN 978-602-60317-2-3
Anugrahini Irawati (2020) Efek Latihan Treadmill Intensitas Sedang dengan Peningkatan Kecepatan dan Inklinasi Bertahap terhadap Fungsi Sel β Pankreas melalui Peran Vitamin D pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Aryati and Ersa Bayung Maulidan and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Diagnostic for COVID-19: Application for Developing Countries. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (4). pp. 1458-1467. ISSN 09752366
Astu Anindya Jati and Ummi Maimunah and Yuliasih and Iswan Abbas Nusi (2020) Fecal Calprotectin Associated with Spondyloarthritis Disease Activity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (3). pp. 1414-1417. ISSN 0975-2366
Astu NIndya Jati and Ummi Maimunah and Yuliasih and Iswan Abbas Nusi (2020) Fecal Calprotectin Associated with Spondyloarthritis Disease Activity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (3). pp. 1414-1417. ISSN 0975-2366
Brian Eka Rachman and Musofa Rusli and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) The Hidden Vulnerability of COVID-19 Observed from Asymptomatic Cases in Indonesia. Systematics Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (2). pp. 703-713. ISSN 09758453
Brinna Anindita (2020) Hubungan antara Kadar Fecal Calprotectin dan C-Reactive Protein pada Pasien Kolitis. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Budiyanto Uda'a, - and HR Masduchi, - and Sony Wibisono, - and S Theodora, - and Damayanti Tinduh, - and Hening Laswati Putra, - and Soenarnatalina M., - (2020) Comparison of Irisin Serum Healthy Untrained Males on Treadmill Exercises by Increasing Gradually Speed Vs Inclination. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 56 (1). pp. 49-55. ISSN 2599-056X
Caesar Ayudi (2020) Hubungan antara Sarkopenia dan Mortalitas pada Pasien Karsinoma Hepatoseluler setelah Transarterial Chemoembolization Pertama. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Caesar Lagaliggo Givani, - and Hermina Novida, - (2020) Critical Limb Ischemia In A Diabetes Mellitus Patient with Atrial Fibrilation. Current Internal Medicine Research and Practice Surabaya Journal, 1 (2). pp. 25-30. ISSN 2721-544X
Cahyo Wibisono Nugroho, - and Satriyo Dwi Suryantoro, - and Yuliasih, - and Alfian Nur Rosyid, - and Tri Pudy Asmarawati, - and Lucky Andriyanto, - and Herley Windo Setiawan, - and Bagus Aulia Mahdi, - and Choirina Windradi, - and Esthiningrum Dewi Agustin, - and Jonny Karunia Fajar, - (2020) Optimal use of tocilizumab for severe and critical COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. F1000Research, 10 (73). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2046-1402
Choirina Windradi (2020) Profil Pasien HIV/AIDS yang Diduga Mengalami Kegagalan Virologis setelah Mendapat Anti Retrovirus. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Cory Maureen Ratu S. (2020) Hubungan Antara Kadar Small Dense Lowdensity Lipoprotein, Rasio Low-Density Lipoprotein / High-Density Lipoprotein dengan Kekakuan Arteri pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
DESAK GDE USHADI BULAN DEWATA, NIM011611133178 and Hermina Novida, - and Aryati, - (2020) Profile of Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patients at Regional Public Hospital Dr. Soetomo in 2017. Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, 8 (3). pp. 301-309. ISSN 2541-092X
Dalla Doohan, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Yuichi Matsuo, - and Yasutoshi Kido, - and Junko Akada, - and Takeshi Matsuhisa, - and Than Than Yee, - and Kyaw Htet, - and Hafeza Aftab, - and Ratha-korn Vilaichone, - and Varocha Mahachai, - and Thawee Ratanachu-ek, - and Lotay Tshering, - and Langgeng Agung Waskito, - and Kartika Afrida Fauzia, - and Tomohisa Uchida, - and Ari Fahrial Syam, - and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha, - and Yoshio Yamaoka, - (2020) Characterization of a novel Helicobacter pylori East Asian-type CagA ELISA for detecting patients infected with various cagA genotypes. Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 209 (1). pp. 29-40. ISSN 14321831
Deasy Ardiany (2020) Hubungan antara Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio dengan Kekakuan Arteri pada Diabetes Mellitus Tipe-2. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Deasy Natalia Adriana and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Current Strategy to Combat COVID-19 in Indonesia. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 14 (4). pp. 16-28. ISSN 1829-0825
Debrina Kusuma Devi (2020) Hubungan antara Fibrosis Hati Berdasarkan Pemeriksaan Fibroscan dengan Kadar HBsAg Kuantitatif pada Pasien Hepatitis B Kronis HBeAg (+). Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Desiana Radhitia, - and Bagus Soebadi, - and Hening Tuti Hendarti, - and Meircurius Dwi Condro Surboyo, - and Nurina Febriyanti Ayuningtyas, - and Erwin Astha Triyono, - (2020) Dental-related problems and oral manifestation of HIV/AIDS patients in Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Bali Medical Journal, 9 (2). pp. 537-541. ISSN 23022914
Dicky Febrianto (2020) Hubungan antara Kadar High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (Hs-CRP) Serum dan Derajat Albuminuria yang Diukur dengan Albumin-To-Creatinine Ratio (ACR) Urine pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Djati Susilo, - and Sony Wibisono, - and Usman Hadi, - (2020) TSH, FT4, and CD4 Profile in HIV/AIDS Patients Before and After Antiretroviral Fixed-Dose Combination Tenofovir, Lamivudine, Evafirenz Therapy. Systematic Reviewes in Pharmacy, 11 (3). pp. 635-639. ISSN 0975-8453
Erwin Astha Triyono (2020) The mechanism of the effects of Monascus jmbA rice on increased platelet count in Wistar rats infected with Dengue virus serotype 3. Infectious Disease Reports, 12 (S1). pp. 17-20. ISSN 20367449
Erwin Astha Triyono, - (2020) Membimbing Disertasi Faiqatul Hikmah Surat Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga No.86/UN3.1.10/2020. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga.
Faiz Murfid Gunawan, - and Pudji Lestari, - and Erwin Astha Triyono, - (2020) Knowledge and Attitude on Human Immunodeficiency Virus among Migrant Worker Candidates in East Java, Indonesia. Althea Medical Journal, 7 (3). pp. 111-116. ISSN 2337-4330
Fajar Setiyawan (2020) Faktor Prediktor Mortalitas pada Pasien Ketoasidosis Diabetik. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Fauqa Arinil Aulia, - and Sri Lestari Utami, - and Leonita Anniwati, - and Sony Wibisono, - and Ferdy Royland Marpaung, - (2020) Serum Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-κβ Ligand and Osteoprotegerin Levels and Ratio in Correlation with Bone Mineral Density. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 27 (1). pp. 76-82. ISSN 0854-4263
Fitri Primadiani (2020) Perubahan Komponen Sindrom Metabolik Akibat Terapi ARV pada Pasien HIV dalam 3 Bulan Pertama. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Gatot Soegiarto and Agustina Tri Endharti and Wibi Riawan and Anang Endaryanto and Subijanto Marto Sudarmo (2020) Lung Dendritic Cells Express Higher Stress Proteins on Higher Allergen Dose Exposure and Contribute to Allergen Tolerance Induction. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 13 (2). pp. 778-784. ISSN 1309100X
Gatot Soegiarto, - (2020) Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Unair No. 216/UN3.1.1/HK.04/2020. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
Gatot Soegiarto, - (2020) Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Unair No.03/UN3.1.1/KD/2020. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
Gatot Soegiarto, - (2020) Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Unair No.497/UN3.1.1/HK.04/2020. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
Gatot Soegiarto, - (2020) Vaccination for Coronavirus Disease 2019: Opportunity, Hope, and Challenges. New Armenian Medical Journal, 14 (4). pp. 58-66. ISSN 18290825
Gusti Agung Ayu Ira Kencana Dewi, - and Sony Wibisono, - and I Putu Alit Pawana, - (2020) Risk Factors for Lower Extremity Amputation in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients: A Case-Control Study. JUXTA, IX (2). pp. 83-85. ISSN 2684-9453
Hermina Novida, - and Kholidatul Husna, - (2020) Adrenal Incidentaloma In Patient with Bilateral Nephrolithiasis and Infectef Right Kidney Cyst. Current Internal Medicine Research and Practice Surabaya Journal, 1 (2). pp. 31-37. ISSN 2721-544X
INDIRA SYAHRAYA, NIM011611133050 and Hermina Novida, - and Lilik Herawati, - and Purwo Sri Rejeki, - (2020) Effect of High Fat Diet on Weight Loss Through the Expression of Uncouple Protein 1 in Mice Visceral Fat. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 56 (3). pp. 223-228. ISSN 2599-056X
Indah Wulandari, - and Kusnanto, - and Sony Wibisono, - and Titin Puspitasari, - (2020) Family Experience of Caring for a Diabetes Mellitus Patient: A Qualitative Study. Jurnal Ners, 15 (2). pp. 75-81. ISSN 25025791
Inne Tria Ramafita (2020) Perbandingan Densitas Biofilm Kateter Hemodialisis Non Tunneled Vena Subklavia dengan Vena Lain pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronis yang Menjalani Hemodialisis. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Irawan Sulistyono (2020) Hubungan Kadar Serum Feritin dengan Densitas Mineral Tulang pada Pasien Thalasemia Tergantung Transfusi. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Isna Mahmudah and Langgeng Agung Waskito and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Frequently Asked Questions of Novel CoronaVirus: A review of the evidence. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 14 (4). pp. 43-55. ISSN 1829-0825
Jongky Hendro Prajitno and Soebagijo Adi Soelistijo and Agung Pranoto (2020) Simvastatin effect on high-sensitivity C-reactive Protein in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (3). pp. 618-623. ISSN 09758453
Jualita Heidy Saputri (2020) Perubahan Profil Glikemik Pasien Limfoma Non-Hodgkin (LNH) Non Diabetes Melitus (DM) pada Pemberian Kemoterapi Chop yang Pertama. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Kartika Afrida Fauzia and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Ari Fahrial Syam and Langgeng Agung Waskito and Dalla Doohan and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha and Takashi Matsumoto and Vo Phuoc Tuan and Junko Akada and Hideo Yonezawa and Shigeru Kamiya and Yoshio Yamaoka (2020) Biofilm Formation and Antibiotic Resistance Phenotype of Helicobacter pylori Clinical Isolates. Toxins, 12 (8). pp. 473-487. ISSN 2072-6651
Kartika Wensdi Renantriandani and Ummi Maimunah and Priyo Budi Purwono and Retno Handajani (2020) The Appearance of Hbeag Status in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 11 (6). pp. 1329-1335. ISSN 0976-0245, 0976-5506
Kholidatul Husna (2020) Hubungan antara Skor Paparan Matahari dan Asupan Vitamin D dengan Kadar 25(OH)D Serum pada Wanita Usia Lanjut. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Laksmi Wulandari, - and Gatot Soegiarto, - and Anna Febriani, - and Farah Fatmawati, - and Sahrun, - (2020) Comparison of Detection of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EFGR) Gene Mutation in Peripheral Blood Plasma (Liquid Biopsy) with Cytological Specimens in Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, 12 (1). pp. 65-71. ISSN 0975-7651
M. Fakhruddin Fakhry (2020) Respons Hematologi Komplet 3 Bulan sebagai Prediktor Kesintasan Pasien Leukemia Granulositik Kronik yang Mendapatkan Terapi Imatinib. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Mahrus A. Rahman, - and I Ketut Alit Utamayasa, - and Agus Cahyono, - (2020) The Comparison between Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen Effectiveness for Ductus Arterious Closure Therapy in Premature Infants. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 13 (2). pp. 704-707. ISSN 1309100X
Mamluatul Karimah (2020) Efek Latihan Treadmill Intensitas Sedang dengan Peningkatan Kecepatan dan Inklinasi Bertahap terhadap Resistensi Insulin melalui Peran Vitamin D pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Maria Felixia Agustini Bayo and Hermanto Tri Joewono and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Widjiati and Sulistiawati and Zaenal Abidin (2020) The Difference Effect of Adolescent and Adult Pregnancy on Apoptosis Index of Neuron Cells. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 11 (3). pp. 1630-1635. ISSN 0976-5506
Maria S Ganggur, - and Sony Wibisono, - and Musofa Rusli, - (2020) Correlation between Serum Cortisol Levels and Cd4 Counts in Treatment-Native Patients with HIV/AIDS Infection at Tertiary Hospital. Systematic Reviewes in Pharmacy, 11 (3). pp. 596-602. ISSN 0975-8453
Merlyna Savitri and Siprianus Ugroseno Yudho Bintoro and Made Putra Sedana and Muhammad Noor Muhammad and Pradana Zaky Romadhon and Putu Niken Ayu Amrita and Andi Yasmin Wijaya and Winona May Hendrata and Ami Ashariati Prayoga (2020) Circulating Plasma miRNA-21 as a Superior Biomarker Compared to CA 15-3: Assessment in Healthy Age Matched Subjects and Different Stage of Breast Cancer Patients. The Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 12 (2). pp. 185-188. ISSN 2085-3297
Mochammad Dilliawan and Siprianus Ugroseno Yudho Bintoro and Putu Niken Ayu Amrita (2020) Profile of Predictive Factors of Response to Therapy in Patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma in dr Soetomo General Teaching Hospital Surabaya. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 13 (2). pp. 801-807. ISSN 1309-100X
Mochammad Thaha (2020) HIV-Associated Nephropathy (HIVAN). In: Manajemen HIV/AIDS Terkini, Komprehensif dan Multidisiplin. Airlangga University Press, Surabaya, pp. 878-905. ISBN 978-602-473-581-4
Mochammad Yusuf Alsagaff and Budi Susetio Pikir and Mochammad Thaha and Hendri Susilo (2020) Correlations between Total Antioxidant Capacity and 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine with Carotid-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity in Chronic Kidney Disease. The Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 12 (3). pp. 267-274. ISSN 2085-3297
Mudatsir, - and Jonny Karunia Fajar, - and Laksmi Wulandari, - and Gatot Soegiarto, - and Muhammad Ilmawan, - and Yeni Purnamasari, - and Bagus Aulia Mahdi, - and Galih Dwi Jayanto, - and Suhendra, - and Yennie Ayu Setianingsih, - and Romi Hamdani, - and Daniel Alexander Suseno, - and Kartika Agustina, - and Hamdan Yuwafi Naim, - and Muchamad Muchlas, - and Hamid Hunaif Dhofi Alluza, - and Nikma Alfi Rosida, - and Mayasari, - and Mustofa, - and Adam Hartono, - and Richi Aditya, - and Firman Prastiwi, - and Fransiskus Xaverius Meku, - and Monika Sitio, - and Abdullah Azmy, - and Anita Surya Santoso, - and Radhitio Adi Nugroho, - and Camoya Gersom, - and Ali A. Rabaan, - and Sri Masyeni, - and Firzan Nainu, - and Abram L. Wagner, - and Kuldeep Dhama, - and Harapan, - (2020) Predictors of COVID-19 severity: a systematic review and meta-analysis [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research, 9 (1107). pp. 1-26. ISSN 20461402
Muhammad Amin, - and Eddy Bagus Wasito, - and Erwin Astha Triyono, - (2020) Comparison between Exposure of Ciprofloxacin and Cefotaxime on Developing of Escherichia coli ESBL. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 56 (2). pp. 86-90. ISSN 2355-8393
Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Hubungan Antara Infeksi Helicobacter pylori, Etnik Dan Keparahan Gastritis Dengan Komposisi Mikrobiota Lambung. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Muhammad Miftahussurur and Boby Pratama Putra and Yoshio Yamaoka (2020) The Potential Benefits of Vonoprazan as Helicobacter pylori Infection Therapy. Pharmaceuticals, 13 (10). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1424-8247
Muhammad Miftahussurur and Heasty Oktaricha and Titong Sugihartono (2020) Clinical Outcome Controversy in Helicobacter pylori Infection. The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy, 21 (2). pp. 146-152. ISSN 2302-8181
Muhammad Miftahussurur and Kartika Afrida Fauzia and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan and Ari Fahrial Syam and Langgeng Agung Waskito and Dalla Doohan and Neneng Ratnasari and Ali Khomsan and I Ketut Adnyana and Junko Akada and Yoshio Yamaoka (2020) E-test versus agar dilution for antibiotic susceptibility testing of Helicobacter pylori: a comparison study. BMC Research Notes, 13 (22). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1756-0500
Muhammad Miftahussurur and Langgeng Agung Waskito and Hafeza Aftab and Rathakorn Vilaichone and Phawinee Subsomwong and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Ari Fahrial Syam and Thawee Ratanachu-ek and Dalla Doohan and Gontar Siregar and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha and Kartika Afrida Fauzia and Varocha Mahachai and Yoshio Yamaoka (2020) Serum pepsinogens as a gastric cancer and gastritis biomarker in South and Southeast Asian populations. PLOS ONE, 15 (4). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1932-6203
Muhammad Miftahussurur and Langgeng Agung Waskito and Hashem B El-Serag and Nadim J. Ajami and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Ari Fahrial Syam and Takashi Matsumoto and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha and Dalla Doohan and Kartika Afrida Fauzia and Ummi Maimunah and Titong Sugihartono and Tomohisa Uchida and Yoshio Yamaoka (2020) Gastric microbiota and Helicobacter pylori in Indonesian population. Helicobacter, 25 (4). pp. 1-10. ISSN 10834389
Muhammad Miftahussurur and Langgeng Agung Waskito and Kartika Afrida Fauzia and Isna Mahmudah and Dalla Doohan and I Ketut Adnyana and Ali Khomsan and Neneng Ratnasari and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha (2020) Overview of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Indonesia: What Distinguishes It from Countries with High Gastric Cancer Incidence? Gut and Liver. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1976-2283 eISSN 2005-1212
Muhammad Miftahussurur and Manu Tandan and Dadang Makmun and Zaheer Nabi (2020) Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy in a Patient with Achalasia Cardia with Prior Heller’s Myotomy. Case Reports in Gastroenterology, 14. pp. 48-55. ISSN 1662-0631
Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Dalla Doohan, - and Ari Fahrial Syam, - and Iswan Abbas Nusi, - and Langgeng Agung Waskito, - and Kartika Afrida Fauzia, - and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha, - and Astri Dewayani, - and Reny I'tishom, - and Hasan Maulahela, - and Tomohisa Uchida, - and Yoshio Yamaoka, - (2020) The validation of the Helicobacter pylori CagA typing by immunohistochemistry: nationwide application in Indonesia. Acta Histochemica, 122 (6). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0065-1281
Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Denada Aisyah Syalini, - and Iswan Abbas Nusi, - and Ummi Maimunah, - and Hartono Kahar, - and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan, - and Herry Purbayu, - and Ulfa Kholili, - and Budi Widodo, - and Husin Thamrin, - and Amie Vidyani, - and Gontar Alamsyah Siregar, - and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha, - and Titong Sugihartono, - (2020) Diagnostic value of Helicobacter pylori serum serology using immunochromatography method with current infection marker compared to histopathology in dyspeptic patients. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1869-1876. ISSN 13079867
Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Dyah Priyanti, - and Isna Mahmudah, - and Ricky Indra Alfaray, - and Amie Vidyani, - and Maria Inge Lusida, - and Langgeng Agung Waskito, - and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha, - (2020) Quality of Life and Related Factors Among Hepatitis B Virus Infected Individuals. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (3). pp. 960-964. ISSN 009758453
Muhammad Vitanata Arfijanto, - and Usman Hadi, - and Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, Yoes (2020) Procalcitonin, IL-1ß, HSP10 and Resolvin D2 Mechanism as Sepsis Biomarkers in Sepsis Model. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (4). pp. 1388-1394. ISSN 0975-2366
Nadhya Allia (2020) Hubungan Antara Viral Load RNA VHC dengan Homa IR pada Pasien Hepatitis C Kronis. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Neneng Ratnasari and Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha and I Ketut Adnyana and Ricky Indra Alfaray and Kartika Afrida Fauzia and Dalla Doohan and Ariel Panjaitan and Yobella Priskila and Elin Yulinah and Ali Khomsan and Langgeng Agung Waskito and Diah Priyantini and Ari Fahrial Syam and Yoshio Yamaoka and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Anti-Helicobacter pylori Effects of Propolis Ethanol Extract on Clarithromycin and Metronidazole Resistant Strains. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (3). pp. 429-434. ISSN 09758453
PRASETYANING ESTU PRATIWI, NIM011418026311 and Usman Hadi, - and Muhammad Vitanata Arfijanto, - (2020) Hemoglobin Levels in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Na ve Therapy Containing Zidovudine in the First Three Months. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (4). pp. 365-370. ISSN 0976-2779 P-ISSN 0975-8453
Poernomo Boedi Setiawan and Ummi Maimunah and Nency Siagian (2020) Secondary Polycythemia in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Treat or No Treat. The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 21 (1). ISSN print ISSN 1411 – 14801 Online ISSN 2302 – 8181
Putu Niken Ayu Amrita and Siprianus Ugroseno Yudho Bintoro (2020) Impact of molecular response time achievement on survival of chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia patients treated by imatinib. Drug Invention Today, 13 (6). pp. 863-867. ISSN 09757619
Putu Niken Ayu Amrita and Siprianus Ugroseno Yudho Bintoro and Made Putra Sedana and Muhammad Noordiansyah and Pradana Zaky Ramadhan and Merlyna Savitri and Ami Ashariati Prayoga (2020) Serum ferritin level affects T lymphocyte CD4, CD8, and CD4/CD8 ratio in transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia. Drug Invention Today, 13 (6). pp. 887-892. ISSN 09757619
Resti Yudhawati Meliana, - and Muhammad Amin, - and Fedik A. Rantam, - and Rima R. Prasetya, - and Jezzy R. Dewantari, - and Aldise M. Nastri, - and Emmanuel D. Poetranto, - and Laksmi Wulandari, - and Maria Inge Lusida, - and Soetjipto Koesnowidagdo, - and Gatot Soegiarto, - and Yohko K. Shimizu, - and Yasuko Mori, - and Kazufumi Shimizu, - (2020) Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuate pulmonary inflammation and lung damage caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza A/H5N1 virus in BALB/c mice. BMC Infectious Diseases, 20 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2576098X
Resti Yudhawati Meliana, - and Rima R. Prasetya, - and Jezzy R Dewantari, - and Aldise M Nastri, - and Krisnoadi Rahardjo, - and Arindita N Novianti, - and Muhammad Amin, - and Fedik Abdul Rantam, - and Emmanuel D Poetranto, - and Laksmi Wulandari, - and Maria Inge Lusida, - and Soetjipto, - and Gatot Soegiarto, - and Yohko K Shimizu, - and Yasuko Mori, - and Kazufumi Shimizu, - (2020) Comparison of Virulence and Lethality in Mice for Avian Influenza Viruses of Two A/H5N1 and One A/H3N6 Isolated from Poultry during Year 2013-2014 in Indonesia. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, 73 (5). pp. 336-342. ISSN 13446304
Retno Asih Setyoningrum, - and Wigit Kristianto, - and Andi Cahyadi, - and Irwina Rahma Andriani, - and Prapti Dewi Suhirman, - and Gatot Soegiarto, - and Laksmi Wulandari, - and Aldise M. Nastri, - and Resti Yudhawati Meliana, - and Yohko K. Shimizu, - and Yasuko Mori, - and Kazufumi Shimizu, - (2020) CLINICAL FEATURES AND VIRUS IDENTIFICATION OF PEDIATRIC VIRAL PNEUMONIA IN DR SOETOMO HOSPITAL SURABAYA, INDONESIA. Sapporo Medical Journal, 54 (8). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0036472X
Retno Budiarti and Wienta Diarsvitri and Brian Eka Rachman and Titong Sugihartono and Yoshio Yamaoka and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) The Surge of Dengue Cases during COVID-19 in Indonesia. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 14 (4). pp. 91-99. ISSN 1829-0825
Riarita Subamayanti and Yuliasih and Lita Diah Rahmawati (2020) Serum Interleukin-2 Level Associated with Treg/Th17 Ratio in Active Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (3). pp. 1420-1425. ISSN 0975-2366
Ridwan Prasetyo and Usman Hadi and Muhammad Vitanata Arfijanto (2020) Changes in Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Naive HIV Patients with Fixed Drugs Combination Tenofovir Treatment in First 3 Months. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (3). pp. 365-370. ISSN 0976-2779
Rizqi Wachida (2020) Korelasi Kadar 25(OH)D dengan Aktivitas Penyakit Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Robert Dwitama Adiwinoto (2020) Hubungan Kadar Ferritin Serum dengan Kadar Testosteron Serum Total pada Pasien Thalassemia Beta Mayor Laki-Laki yang Menjalani Transfusi Berulang. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Rosita Rahmawati Baskoro (2020) Korelasi Kadar Vitamin D Awal dengan Perubahan Jumlah CD4 pada Pasien HIV Naive yang Mendapat Terapi ARV. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
S. Suhariningsih and Suryani Dyah Astuti and Saikhu Akhmad Husen and Dwi Winarni and Dian Astri Rahmawati and Akhmad Taufiq Mukti and Alfian Pramudita Putra and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) The combined effect of magnetic and electric fields using on/off infrared light on the blood sugar level and the diameter of Langerhans islets of diabetic mice. Veterinary World, 13 (10). pp. 2286-2293. ISSN 2231-0916
Sanjay Kalra and Sarita Bajaj and Surendra Kumar Sharma and Gagan Priya and Manash P and Baruah and Debmalya Sanyal and Sambit Das and Tirthankar Chaudhury and Kalyan Kumar and Gangopadhyay and Ashok Kumar Das and Bipin Sethi and Vageesh Ayyar and Shehla Shaikh and Parag Shah and Sushil Jindal and Vaishali Deshmukh and Joel Dave and Aslam Amod and Ansumali Joshi and Sunil Pokharel and Faruque Pathan and Faria Afsana and Indrajit Prasad and Moosa Murad and Soebagijo Adi Soelistijo and Johanes Purwoto and Zanariah Hussein and Lee Chung Horn and Rakesh Sahay and Noel Somasundaram and Charles Antonypillai and Manilka Sumanathilaka and Uditha Bulugahapitiya (2020) A Practitioner’s Toolkit for Insulin Motivation in Adults with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Evidence-Based Recommendations from an International Expert Panel. Diabetes Therapy, 11 (8). pp. 585-606. ISSN 1869-6961
Sarah Yunara (2020) Hubungan Kadar 25-Hidroksi Vitamin D (25-Oh-D) dengan Derajat Frailty pada Komunitas Usia Lanjut di Surabaya. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.
Siprianus Ugroseno Yudho Bintoro and Agus Prabowo and Made Putra Sedana and Ami Ashariati Prayoga and Artaria Tjempakasari (2020) The Correlation of Imatinib Therapy Duration and Esti-mated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients. Systematic Review Pharmacy, 11 (3). pp. 657-660. ISSN 09758453
Soebagijo Adi Soelistijo, - and Hendra Gunawan, - and Chandra Adi Irawan, - and Audy Meutia Ariana, - and Sony Wibisono, - and Agung Pranoto, - (2020) Sindroma Cushing Eksogen: Kapan Penggunaan Dosis Stres Glukokortikoid Bermanfaat? Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia, 7 (3). pp. 181-185. ISSN 2549-0621
Sony Wibisono and Huwainan Nisa Nasution (2020) Association of Serum Magnesium Levels with Glycemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Current Research, 12 (1). pp. 9531-9533. ISSN 0975833X
Sri Wahyuni and Widjiati and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) The Difference of Brain Derivat Neutrophic Factor of Mus Musculus Newborn from Adolescent and Adult Pregnancy. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 11 (3). pp. 1289-1293. ISSN 0976-5506
Sriyana Herman, - and Budi Santoso, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - and Agus Sulistyono, - and Hari Basuki Notobroto, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - (2020) Risk factors as an indicator of non-complications spontaneous preterm birth: A study in eight hospitals. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 13 (1). pp. 395-399. ISSN 1309-100X
Titong Sugihartono and Debrina Kusuma Devi and Ummi Maimunah and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Herry Purbayu and Ulfa Kholili and Budi Widodo and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Husin Thamrin and Amie Vidyani and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan (2020) Association of Liver Fibrosis based on Transient Elastography and Quantitative HbsAg Levels in HBeAg-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B Patients. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (4). pp. 1446-1451. ISSN 0975-2366
Titong Sugihartono and Ivan Pratama Alimsardjono and Ummi Maimunah and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Herry Purbayu and Ulfa Kholili and Budi Widodo and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Husin Thamrin and Amie Vidyani and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan (2020) Serum hyaluronic acid and its association with liver stiffness in chronic hepatitis B patients. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1745-1749. ISSN 1307-9867
Titong Sugihartono and Ivan Pratama Alimsardjono and Ummi Maimunah and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Herry Purbayu and Ulfa Kholili and Budi Widodo and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Husin Thamrin and Amie Vidyani and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan (2020) Serum hyaluronic acid and its association with liver stiffness in chronic hepatitis B patients. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14. pp. 1745-1749. ISSN 1307-9867
Titong Sugihartono and Nur Arafah and Yoshio Yamaoka and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Gastrointestinal Manifestations in COVID-19 Infection. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 14 (4). pp. 70-81. ISSN 18290825
Titong Sugihartono, - and Debrina Kusuma Devi, - and Ummi Maimunah, - and Iswan Abbas Nusi, - and Herry Purbayu, - and Ulfa Kholili, - and Budi Widodo, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Husin Thamrin, - and Amie Vidyani, - and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan, - (2020) Association of Liver Fibrosis based on Transient Elastography and Quantitative HBsAg Levels in HBeAg-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B Patients. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (4). pp. 1446-1451. ISSN 09752366
Tri Pudy Asmarawati and Muhammad Vitanata Arfijanto and Usman Hadi and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Healthcare Associated Covid-19 Transmission: Strategies to Prevent. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 14 (4). pp. 29-36. ISSN 18290825
Tri Purwanti and Widjiati and Muhammad Miftahussurur (2020) Perbedaan Jumlah Sel NeuronCerebrum dan Cerebellum Mus musculuspada Kehamilan Remaja dan Dewasa. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma, 9 (1). pp. 9-20. ISSN 1978-2071
Tri Yanti and Yuliasih and Lita Diah Rahmawati (2020) IL-23/IL-17 axis and disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus patients. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (2). pp. 2643-2649. ISSN 13079867
Ucik Nurul Hidayati, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Agus Sulistyono, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Sulistiawati, - (2020) Puasa Selama Kebuntingan terhadap Jumlah Sel Neuron Cereberum dan Cerebellum Rattus norvegicus Baru Lahir. Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma, 9 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1978-2071
Ummi Maimunah and Andri Pramana Restu and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Herrry Purbayu and Titong Sugihartono and Ulfa Kholili and Budi Widodo and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Husin Thamrin and Amie Vidyani and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan (2020) Albumin-Bilirubin Grade as a Three- Month Survival Predictor in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients after Initial Transarterial Chemoembolization (ALBI Grade Predicting Survival in HCC Treated With TACE). Systemathic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (5). pp. 205-208. ISSN 0976-2779
Ummi Maimunah and Andri Pramana Restu and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Herry Purbayu and Titong Sugihartono and Ulfa Kholili and Budi Widodo and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Husin Thamrin and Amie Vidyani and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan (2020) Albumin-Bilirubin Grade as a Three-Month Survival Predictor in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients after Initial Transarterial Chemoembolization (ALBI Grade Predicting Survival in HCC Treated With TACE). Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (5). pp. 205-208. ISSN 0975-8453
Ummi Maimunah and Frida Lorita Hafidasari Pitoyo and Hartono Yudi Sarastika and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Herry Purbayu and Titong Sugihartono and Ulfa Kholili and Budi Widodo and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Husin Thamrin and Amie Vidyani and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan (2020) Assessment for Retreatment with Trans arterial Chemoembolization Score Effectiveness for Selecting Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Undergoing Repeated Therapy (ART Score Predicting Repeated TACE Impact on Overall Survival). Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (5). pp. 209-215. ISSN 0975-8453
Ummi Maimunah and Frida Lorita Hafidasari Pitoyo and Hartono Yudi Sarastika and Iswan Abbas Nusi and Herry Purbayu and Titong Sugihartono and Ulfa Kholili and Budi Widodo and Muhammad Miftahussurur and Husin Thamrin and Amie Vidyani and Poernomo Boedi Setiawan (2020) Assessment for Retreatment with Transarterial Chemoembolization Score Effectiveness for Selecting Hepatocelullar Carcinoma Patients Undergoing Repeated Therapy (ART Score Predicting Repeated TACE Impact on Overall Survival). Systemathic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (5). pp. 209-215. ISSN 0976-2779
Viranti Ayu Adyanita, - and Novira Widajanti, - and Sony Wibisono, - (2020) Comparison of the 25(OH)D Levels Between Sarcopenia and Frailty in Elder Women: A Cross-Sectional Observation Analytic Study in Elderly Community in Surabaya. Systematic Reviewes in Pharmacy, 11 (4). pp. 359-364. ISSN 0975-8453
Wahyuni Hariyanto, - and Laksmi Wulandari, - and Isnu Pradjoko, - and Gatot Soegiarto, - (2020) Comparison of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A) Level in Pleural Fluid of Patients with Malignant and Nonmalignant Pleural Effusion. Indian Journal of Surgery, 83 (1). pp. 132-138. ISSN 09722068
Yuliasih and Lita Diah Rahmawati and Rizki Maulidya Putri (2020) Ratio of Th17/Treg and Disease Activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine, 10 (1). pp. 65-72. ISSN 20086172
Yuliasih and Luluch Mulyani (2020) Leptin serum and disease activity in spondyloarthritis. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14 (1). pp. 1881-1886. ISSN 13079867